Things I need to know for Net-Set v4.0:- ---------------------------------------- ** DOES MY ISP USE DYNAMIC IP ADDRESS ASSIGNING ? Yes or No ** (i.e. do they give you one when logging in) --------- If the answer to this is no then forget it, Net-Set is not for you. Needed for User.prefs: ---------------------- Whats is my UserName/LoginName ? _________________________ What is my Password ? _________________________ What CPU does my Amiga have ? 020 or 030 (Surf Squirrel = 030) ---------- Needed for ISP.prefs: --------------------- What is my ISP's Host Name ? ___________________________ What is my ISP's Host IP Address ? ___.___.___.___ What is my ISP's Name Server IP Address ? ___.___.___.___ What is my ISP's dialup Phone Number ? ___________________________ What Cslip command do I need to send my ISP ? ___________________________ How many times does my ISP ask for my password ? ______ (see below) What this means is how many Password: prompts is Net-Set to expect some ISP's ask for it after the Cslip prompt (i.e. the !"*$!" messy looking thingy). May be needed: (these are bits that may be needed) --------------- Modem_Change: ------------- Does my modem recognise the AT code string ?:- AT&F&D0L1 (read for a description of AT code strings). Prompt Check: (Very important and should be asked of ISP) ------------- Net-Set uses the most commonly used prompts shown below, but some ISP's have to be different. These are the prompts used. Login Name/User name prompt = name: Password prompt = word: Slip prompt = * (must contain a * amid the mess) I am afraid that if they use different prompts to these you will have to edit the file "netdial.rexx" in the AmiTCP-4.0:bin drawer and put yours in place of the existing ones. Their near the top of the file just under rows of "********************". Sorry about this but I can only do my best. Please do not edit any of the other bits by hand or any of the other files unless you know what you are doing. If you do and cock it up don't come crying to me. "So there, ner ner nee ner ner" "And I don't care how big you dad is" You could just send this to your ISP (except the Amiga CPU and AT code bit) and ask them to answer the questions for you or just ask them over the phone. Exspecially ask them if they use Dynamic IP Addresses (see top) before you sign up useing this suite. Because Net-Set relies on Dynamic IP Addressing.