## ## $VER: convert LHA to LZX--dir.txt (and vice versa) 1.0 ## Well, it seems there is a new archiver on the world called LZX. Now would it not be nice to be able to convert an entire dir with LHA archives to the new, and improved :-), LZX format from within OPUS with a single mouse click ??? This is how to do it: Start the config editor (logical step isn't it ??) choose a button/menu of your likes, and edit in the next lines: --------------------------------------- NAME: LHA->LZX-dir AmigaDOS rx dopus:modules/rexx/repack {s} FLAGS: CD Source Output Window Rescan Source --------------------------------------- Exit the configeditor, and (if not excisting already) MAKEDIR in the dopus: directory, called modules (it SHOULD be there already...). Enter the dopus:modules/ directory, and MAKEDIR rexx (your path should look like DOPUS:MODULES/REXX/ !!) You could copy the scripts to the assigned rexx: directory, but I have noticed that dir tends to grow HUGE as you start using different programms with an arexx port... Copy the files REPACK.REXX AND REPACK1.REXX from the rexx/ directory in this archive to DOPUS:MODULES/REXX directory... IMPORTANT !!! Please also edit the Repack-script, which is (c) by 'Mat Bettinson of the Plot Hatching Factory '95', you will have to adapt a couple of thing in it. Since it was NOT my idea to create the script I WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU !! Please also read the enclosed repack doc file. Now activate any DIR in which LHA archives are, click on the just created button (menu ?), and voila... All LHA archives in the dir will be converted to the new LZX format ! NOTE1... The original (lha) archive will be deleted by the script, UNLESS the lha is smaller than the LZX (rare, but it does happen...) NOTE2... AGAIN, READ THE ORIGINAL REPACK DOCS !! THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION !! ------- Since I like to experiment a lot I have rewritten the script (sorry Mat Bettinson of the Plot Hatching Factory '95' :-)) ) so it can also be reverted, i.e. you can repack an entire directory containing LZX files back to LHA... From the above config only one thing changes, the button-text should look like this: --- AmigaDOS rx rexx:repack1 {s} FORCELHA --- Flags the same, everything the same actually. The FORCELHA switch means that even if the (new) LHA archive is bigger than the (old) LZX archive (usualy the case...), the LHA archive will be written, and te LZX archive will be deleted.. Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####..#### ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#..#... .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####..#### .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#.....# .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####..#### ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. ............................................................... ........................... .xXXx. ............................ ........................... |o'`o| ............................ .............-----------.oOO-(__)-OOo.-----------.............. ...______ ..: :...______.... . / \..: NIELS van \X/illigenburg :../ \... ..| O O |..: Millingenhof 123 :..| O O |... ..| /\ |..: NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM :..| /\ |... ..| \__/ |..: Netherlands :..| \__/ |... ...\____/...: Europe :...\____/.... ............: +31-(0)20-6979932 :............. ............: FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 :............. ............: -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl:............. ............`------------------------------------'............. ............................................................... ·······························································