## ## $VER: OPUS.versiontxt 1.0 ## Do you, like me, hate huge piles of librarys, devices and handlers, of which you constantly have to check the version number if you get a possibly newer version ?? SOLUTION TIME: with this script, you will be able to use the version number of the file as a filecomment (that is the text you can place behind all files, you NEVER ever use...), so you can instantly look up the version number you already have in possesion... This is how to do it: choose a button/menu of your likes, and edit in the next lines: --------------------------------------- BATCH dopus:modules/version.bat {f} Do all files } No filename quote } as flags Output window } --------------------------------------- This is assuming you have copied the script to your DOPUS:modules directory. you will need filenote, version, echo and execute in your searchpath (all are standard in the wb) --------------------------------------- Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####.#..#. ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#.#..#. .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####.####. .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#....#. .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####....#. ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. . . . Niels van \X/illigenburg . .______ Millingenhof 123 ______. / \ NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM / \ | O O | Netherlands | O O | | /\ | Europe | /\ | | \__/ | +31 (0)20-6979932 | \__/ | .\____/ FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 \____/. . -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl . ·······························································