## ## $VER: OPUS.SHOW & HIDE txt 1.0 ## Jip, tricks time in DOPUS again... This time using 2 litle arexx scripts, one of which I found in an antique package, and the other one I adapted myself... First of all, since it seems that everybody is writing scripts for DOPUS nowadays, a word of advice: Make a special directory for your OPUS-scripts. Easiest would be in DOPUS:modules/arexx. That way your REXXC: dir will not be filled with things of which you have no idea what they are doing there... Well, what is this all about ?? This script will enable you to ONLY show files matching a pattern given by you in the given DOPUS window. What ? I hear you scream... Don't worry, I will explain ! As you might have seen, there is a button 's' in the middle of your DOPUS screen. When you press it, you wil see "Enter select pattern", if you now enter a select pattern (for example *.info), all the files ending with .info (the icons !) will be highlighted. If you install this tiny arexx script, the selected files (ex. -> .info files) will NOT be highlighted, no they will be the ONLY files in the window !!! Try the above example, and you will understand the meaning I hope ;-) Start the config-editor ( <-;), select a button of your choice, preferably with NO right mouse action, and edit the following: --------------------------------------- ARexx dopus:modules/rexx/Onlyshow.rexx No flags, no nothing --------------------------------------- this is assuming you have copied the suplied script to dopus:modules/rexx, otherwise please change the path... --------------------------------------- Now, try it... See the magic ? DO NOT BE ALARMED IF YOU SEE FILES DISAPPEARING BEFORE YOU !!! THEY ARE NOT GONE, JUST HIDDEN...!!!! The other script (Onlyhide.rexx) will do EXACTLY the oppposite, in other words it will HIDE the files corrosponding to the select pattern. If you choose *.info as select pattern, you will see all files, EXEPT the ones ending in .info ! A good advise would be to put the second script under the right mouse-button button off onlyshow ! Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####.#..#. ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#.#..#. .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####.####. .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#....#. .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####....#. ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. . . . Niels van \X/illigenburg . .______ Millingenhof 123 ______. / \ NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM / \ | O O | Netherlands | O O | | /\ | Europe | /\ | | \__/ | +31 (0)20-6979932 | \__/ | .\____/ FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 \____/. . -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl . ·······························································