## ## $VER: OPUS.SHELLtxt 2.0 ## Have you ever stumbled across a .ZIP kind of archive ? It is commonly used on the PC, but there IS an Amiga version... Only one problem... UNZIP uses the current directory to unzip, so click'n'click is of litle use if you are an OPUS addict... NOT ANYMORE ! Here is the sollution : (hold on to your heads, its a BIIIG one) This is how to do it: Start the config-editor ( <-;), go to FILETYPES, and add the .zip as a filetype (if it isn't in the list already, all you do is create a new filetype, and "MATCHNAME #?.zip" ) --------------------------------------- In filetypes, pick Action Click-m-click NEW ENTRY's AmigaDOS c:makedir ram:zip AmigaDOS c:copy {fu} to ram:zip/test.zip AmigaDOS c:cd ram:zip AmigaDOS c:unzip test.zip AmigaDOS c:delete ram:zip/test.zip quiet AmigaDOS c:copy ram:zip/#? all {d} Command FinishSection AmigaDOS c:echo "deleting obsolete files..." AmigaDOS c:delete ram:zip all quiet flags : Do all files Output window Rescan destination --------------------------------------- you will need makedir, copy, cd, unzip, delete and echo in the c: directory. I did not include UNZIP, it is just to large for my intentions... --------------------------------------- What happens is that the zip-file is copied to your ram: disk, in a new and empty directory, unzipped there, and all the unzipped files will be copied to the destination path... I know of one more programm that doesn't support unpacking to a specific destination, HPACK, and you can use exactly the same trick for that one. In fact you can use this one for EVERY archiver that doesn't support unpacking to a destination... Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####.#..#. ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#.#..#. .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####.####. .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#....#. .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####....#. ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. . . . Niels van \X/illigenburg . .______ Millingenhof 123 ______. / \ NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM / \ | O O | Netherlands | O O | | /\ | Europe | /\ | | \__/ | +31 (0)20-6979932 | \__/ | .\____/ FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 \____/. . -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl . ·······························································