## ## $VER: OPUS.BAKfilestxt 1.0 ## Better save than sorry I always say, so I kicked out a button in OPUS which will automagically make a backup of all the files I select from within OPUS. So instead of clicking all the important (config-)files and CLONE them manually, you choose ALL the files you want saved in one go,, and click the bak-button. The script will copy all your selected files to ram, and copy them back to your original directory with a .bak appended, leaving the original files as they were, but giving you a save backup file. The original dir will be re-read after the operation has finished. Thus you will be able to every now and then backup those bloody important files, that are for some reason always corrupted when you really need them, and have no backup... (ex: I edit a LOT in s:DIRECTORYOPUS.CFG, and, ofcourse, save the file a lot, but every now and then CONFIGOPUS runs crazy, and writes a 10 Mb CFG file to disk...and the last saved CFG is, ofcourse, gone. Now I have a .bak file...phoei!) This is how to do it: choose a button/menu of your likes, and edit in the next lines: --------------------------------------- AmigaDOS makedir ram:bak AmigaDOS list >ram:bakscript {f} lformat "copy %s%s ram:bak/%s.bak" AmigaDOS execute ram:bakscript AmigaDOS copy ram:bak/#? {s} AmigaDOS delete ram:bak#? all force >nil: FLAGS: DO ALL FILES OUTPUT WINDOW RESCAN SOURCE --------------------------------------- you will need makedir, list, execute, copy and delete in your searchpath. ^^^^ Great is you know how to handle it...(-; Let me know what you think, and if you use it (and why not...?). ······························································· .#.####..............................................####.#..#. ##.#..#........._______....______......_______.......#..#.#..#. .#.####......../ /....| \.....\ .......####.####. .#....#......./______/.....|______|.....\ .........#....#. .#.####....../ /......| |......\ .....####....#. ............/....../.......|_____/........\_______............. ............................................................... .............ABC, THE CUTEST LAMER IN THE BUSINESS............. . . . Niels van \X/illigenburg . .______ Millingenhof 123 ______. / \ NL-1106 KH AMSTERDAM / \ | O O | Netherlands | O O | | /\ | Europe | /\ | | \__/ | +31 (0)20-6979932 | \__/ | .\____/ FIDO -> 2:280/464.17 \____/. . -> niels@aobh.xs4all.nl . ·······························································