Running TKG demo from disk: Insert the disk containing the game program into your floppy drive. Execute the "TKGRUN" script and follow the instructions. Running the TKG demo from Hard Disk. Copy the game file and all the files and directories from the data disk into a directory on your hard drive. Open a shell and type: Assign AB3: mydir Assign ab3d1: mydir assign ab3d2: mydir where 'mydir' is the directory you placed the demo in. Then type "ab3:" followed by "" PLEASE NOTE: This demo is the 4MB ram, AGA only version of the game. The full game will be compatible with all 2mb+, 020+ Amigas, will be HD installable and allow linkup games to be played. Controls: At the moment TKG is keyboard only (the other control methods sort of work but are not fully implemented) As in its predecessor it will be possible to fully redefine the keys used, but in this demo some are fixed at their current values. These are: ] Look up # Look down Numeric keypad keys Scroll around map (5 centres it on you) ( Toggle double width pixels on/off ) Toggle double height pixels on/off +/- onkeypad Increase or decrease amount of 'squint' (reduces or increases the height of the screen) ENTER on keypad Toggle between partial and full screen view. 0 on keypad Jump TAB Map on/off f1 Zoom in map f2 Zoom out map I hope you enjoy playing this little demo and feel that the final version will be worth buying. Andrew Clitheroe