HTML-Helper opens a horizontal window containing seven rows of four buttons. Allowing the user easy point and click access to the most commonly used HTML commands. This program is intented as a replacement for HTML-Genie for those users who dislike the listview interface that program features. However, due to space limitations not all HTML commands HTML-Helper supports are accesible from these buttons. They are however all accessible from the menu.

For Registered Users only:

HTML-Helper supports the following ToolTypes/CLI parameters

'PUBSCREEN=' Enables you to specify a public screen HTML-Helper is to open it's
             window on. Default value for this parameter is the Workbench
             screen. Usage: PUBSCREEN=Edit_screen.
'RXSCRIPT='  Use a different path/filename than the default 'S:HTML.rexx'
             script used. This allows you to easily adapt the program to 
             another editor. Usage: RXSCRIPT=t:some_script.rexx.
'RXPATH='    Specify the path for the RX command. As some users have moved the
             command from the SYS:Rexxc path. Make sure tha path specified ends
             in a '/' or ':'. Eg. RXPATH=SYS:rexxstuff/. 
'FONTNAME='  Specify the (fixed width) font to use. Usage: FONTNAME=Topaz.font
'FONTSIZE='  Specify the size of the font to use. Usage: FONTSIZE=11
'TOPEDGE='   Y position for the window to open on. Usage: TOPEDGE=10
'LEFTEDGE='  X position for the window to open on. Usage: LEFTEDGE=50
'ZOOMTOP='   X position of iconified window. Usage: ZOOMTOP=30
'ZOOMLEFT='  Y position of iconified window. Usage: ZOOMLEFT=20 
'REXXTOP='   X position of the TagEdit window. Usage: REXXTOP=30
'REXXLEFT='  Y position of the TagEdit window. Usage: REXXLEFT=20 
'HTML='      LOWER/UPPER specifies if HTML output should be in lower or in
             upper case. (Default=UPPER) 
'MENU='      COMBINE|SPLIT specifies if the program is to open one menu with
             the HTML commands accesible through submenu's. Or that every HTML
             category gets it's own menu. (SPLIT) (Default=COMBINE) 

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Page created using HTML-Heaven. ©1994 by Paul Kolenbrander (