********************************************** triton.library The object oriented GUI creation system. Release 1.1 (c) 1993-1994 Stefan Zeiger ********************************************** This is a minimum distribution version of Triton, the object oriented graphical user interface creation system for AmigaOS. Not included in this minimum distribution are: - A Prefs editor for customizing Triton GUIs - An optimized version of triton.library for OS3.0+ - Language catalogs - Developer support material If you want a full distribution, you may download Triton from 'PLUS BBS', the Triton support BBS: >---------------------------------------< Plus BBS SysOp : Daniel Schrod Z-Netz: plus.zer V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1 Phone: +49-(0)6023-32603 >---------------------------------------< You may log in as 'SAUGER' and download Triton from the sub-board /WIZARDWORKS/PROGRAMME. Both a german and an english user interface are available at Plus BBS. The latest Triton version may also be obtained via FidoNet file request as 'TRITON' from 'Publishers Treff BBS': >---------------------------------------< Publishers Treff BBS SysOp: Christoph Reichert Fido : 2:244/6302.0 V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1 >---------------------------------------< Contacting the author of Triton: EMail: stefan@wwsp.adsp.sub.org Z-Netz: stefan@sweet.zer.sub.org stefan@plus.zer FidoNet: Stefan Zeiger 2:244/6302.15 Mail: Stefan Zeiger Seligenstädter Weg 24 D-63796 Kahl Germany Please use EMail/Z-Netz/FidoNet if possible. This is more convenient for me and your chance of getting a reply quickly is much better. There have been some problems lately with EMail delivery from Internet sites to ADSP sites. If an EMail to wwsp.adsp.sub.org bounces, please try a FidoNet gateway (Stefan.Zeiger@p15.f6302.n244.z2.fidonet.org) or my Z-Netz address (stefan@sweet.zer.sub.org). Live long and prosper!