Hundreds of you wrote in with the Fatality, Babality and Friendship moves for MKII. Steve McGill presents them in their full, gory, bone-crunching detail...

Beneath A Steel Sky - Cannon Fodder - Mortal Kombat 2 - Police Quest 2 - Sensible World of Soccer - Silkworm - Turrican 2 - Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Mortal Kombat II

In AF67, we challenged you to prove how good you are at Mortal Kombat II by sending us a full list of all the Fatality, Friendship and Babality moves. Hundreds of you leapt at the opportunity to describe the atrocities you could commit, often in quite gory detail. OK, so half of you who sent in tips probably read them elsewhere, copied them and then sent them to us (cynical, us?), but for the rest of you beat-em-up fans, here is the complete list for all the MKII characters.

D - Down
U - Up
T - Towards
A - Away
LK - Low Kick
HK - High Kick
HP - High Punch
LP - Low Punch

Fatality 1(Dragon Morph): D-T-A-A-HK
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Upper Cut Combo): Rotate 360 degrees away from opponent
Distance: Very close to about one jump away
Friendship (Disco Dance): T-A-A-A-LK
Babality: D-D-T-A-LK

Fatality 1 (Cut `Em In Half): T-T-T-LK
Distance: Outside sweep range
Fatality 2 (Decapitation): Hold LP-tap-A-T-release LP
Distance: Full screen
Friendship (Pull Rabbit Out Of Hat): A-A-A-D-HK
Babality: A-A-T-T-HK

Fatality 1 (Torso Pull): D-D-T-T-LP
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Upper Cut Decapitation): T-T-D-U
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Autograph Of Portrait): D-D-D-D-HK
Babality: A-A-A-HK

SUB-ZERO Fatality 1- Step One (Deep Freeze And Upper Cut): T-T-D-HK
Distance: Just outside sweep range
Fatality 1- Step Two: Move in tap-T-D-T-HP
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Gut-Bursting Ice Grenade): Hold LP-tap-A-A-D-T-Release LP
Distance: Full screen
Friendship (Buy a Sub Zero Doll): A-A-A-D-HK
Babality: D-A-A-HK

After finding himself in a no win situation, Johnny Cage thanks his lucky stars that he won rather than lost. Sure, there have been maimings, mutilations and death in Mortal Kombat ll, but none of them really serious.

Fatality 1 (Body Possession): Hold HK for two seconds then release
Distance: Just inside sweep range
Fatality 2 (Steal the Soul): Hold block-tap-D-D-U-LK
Distance: Very close
Fatality 3 (Kintaro's Body Blow): Hold LP for 30 seconds during the match and then release
Distance: Just inside sweep range
Friendship (Rainbow Joy): A-A-D-T-HK
Babality: A-T-D-HK

Fatality 1 (Kiss of Death): Hold LK-tap-T-T-D-T release LK
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Fan Decapitation): Block-block-block-block-HK
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Birthday Cake): Hold block-D-D-D-U-LK
Babality: D-D-D-LK

Liu Kang finds that hanging around can be pretty painful and definitely unconducive to health and well-being. "Get one more of those dance steps wrong and the rabbit gets it," grimaced Kung Lao to a visibly shaken Liu Kang. Allegedly.

Fatality 1- Step 1 (Electrocution): Hold LK for six seconds then release
Fatality 1- Step 2: Tap-block-LK
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Upper Cut Explosion): Hold HP for eight seconds then release
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Kid Thunder): D-A-T-HK
Babality: Hold block-tap-D-D-U-HK

Fatality 1 (Decapitation): Hold block-tap-A-A-A-A-HP
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Body Implement): A-T-D-T-LP
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Birthday Present): Hold block-U-T-T-HK
Babality: T-T-T-HK

Fatality 1 (Head Snap): A-A-D-LP
Distance: One jump away
Fatality 2 - Step One (Disappear Then Slice): Hold block-tap-U-U-D-HP
Fatality 2 - Step Two: Move in tap-T-T-D-HK
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Buy A Reptile Doll): A-A-D-LK
Babality: D-A-A-LK

Fatality 1 (Slice & Dice): T-A-T-LP
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Suck 'Em Dry, Spit Out The Bones): Hold HK for two seconds then release. Alternatively, hold back and rapidly tap HK
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Grow A Flower): Hold block-tap-D-D-D-U-HK
Babality: D-D-D-HK

Fatality 1 (Flaming Bones): Block-U-U-HP
Distance: Step outside sweep range
Fatality 2 (Jugular Cut): Hold HP-tap-D-T-T-T-release HP
Distance: Very close
Friendship (Buy A Scorpion Doll): A-A-D-HK
Babality: D-A-A-HK

Fatality 1 (Fist Clap): Hold LP-tap-T-T-T-release LP
Distance: Very close
Fatality 2 (Rip Off The Arms): Block-block-block-block-LP
Distance: Just inside sweep range
Friendship (Paper Dolls): Hold block-tap-U-U-D-LK
Babality: Hold block-tap-D-U-D-U-LK

Our thanks, and the games up for grabs, go to Steve Sells of South Yorkshire. He stated that he wanted Sensible World Of Soccer, but didn't mention the other two. Get in touch with us Steve.

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Beneath a Steel Sky

S Gagen of Sudbury has worked day and night to bring you the codes for the CD32 version of Beneath A Steel Sky. And here they are.

Code Locations
709124 Overman connected with LINC.
192837 The mutt's nuts.
543691 Must be the power supply to something.
810354 But it's not working.
754267 This could be the most stupid thing I've ever done.
180283 Dog biscuits.
986254 A secret tunnel, eh?
280870 A subway! Like those built by giant rabbits.
648912 Yes! I killed that android. What now Joey, old friend?
409626 The end is near.

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Helping Hand

A problem shared is a letter to Steve Bradley who's only too pleased to lend befuddled readers a Helping Hand.

Twelve, angry man
I'm stuck on mission 12 of Cannon Fodder. I can't destroy the factory on the sixth phase - please help.
Dave Rawtenstall, Lancashire

Dave, place a soldier on each of the three pressure pads - this will get the helicopter down from the factory roof. Jump in and fly up to the roof, then get into the turret and blast everything in sight. But to finish the level, shoot all the bunkers and the factory - best to blast the door until it flies off. Thanks to Cam Winstanley from Amiga Power for the info. Well, thanks to his book.

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McKracked it!
I bought the LucasArts Classic Collection for Christmas and I'm rather stuck on Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders. I need to light a fire in the cave in Seattle so I can read the strange markings on the wall. Help.
J Ainge, Birmingham

Presumably you've made it to the entrance of the cave. Turn on the lighter and head to the right of the cave - there's a bird's nest and, on the floor, a fire pit. Bird's nest, fire pit, lighter - yes. The markings on the door on the far right are now distinguishable.

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Teething troubles
Hello, I've been struggling to get very far with with Turrican 2 for an age and I'm not progressing. Are there any cheats to help me out?
Martin McClellan (a dentist), Bury

Head to the music menu by pressing the Help key, now press 4, then 2. Hang on for about 15-20 seconds, then press Escape twice. You now have infinite lives and special weapons. You are now the biggest cheat in the dentist world who has an Amiga and Turrican 2.

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Slide away
I'm as stuck as can be on Silkworm. Have you got any cheats to help me out?
Wayne Petzler, Ettalong, Australia

Have we got cheats? Hold down the Help key, press the Fire button to kick off the game - you are now endless of life and you can shoot to any of the 10 levels simply by pressing 1-10 and the minus key.

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Bail me out
Is there any cheat for Police Quest II? I can always get to Cotton Cove but Jessie Bains blows me away. How can I stop him from killing me?
Jonathan Astbury, Lever, Bolton

When Bains arrives, you should be hiding behind the pipe. Type fire gun and keep ducking behind the pipe - you need to bag him twice to finish him.

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We've been Rubened!
Why, in Sensible World Of Soccer do your players go down in value when they are banging the goals in left, right and centre? I bought Ruben Sosa for a hefty £4.5m but despite scoring 60 goals in a season, his value dropped to £2m.
Chris `Carlton' Palmer, Leicester

Player values depend to a certain extent on the quality throughout the team. A great player playing in a poor side may perform to the best of his ability yet drop in price. Are you playing Ruben in his right position? A few SWOS-playing folk have had problems with player depreciation and we're endeavouring to discover what the Graham Taylor's going on.

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