==================================== Stars Starfield Texture Type: Color, Filter. This texture converts a primitive plane into a window looking out on a starfield. This window interacts completely with the camera (position/angle/FOV). If you move the window around, it will seem like the window is moving through the starfield. -Imagine- a spaceship with this texture applied to all of its windows, when the spaceship flies around, the stars will be moving accordingly. The depthcue alters color/filter change according to distance from the window, this way you can also make falling snow effect. Requester: Spacing: Spacing between the stars. Density (0..1): Number of stars turned on (1 will make a 3D matrix of stars. Size (0..1): Relative size of stars (1 will make neighbouring stars touch. Depth (1,2,3..): How many stars deep you can see. (higher number is longer render.) X/Y/Z Speed (u/f): Speed of the stars in world coordinate system (units per frame) You can use it to make snow, or simulate movement. Time (f): Time in frames. Color R/G/B: Star color value (or -1). Filter R/G/B: Star filter value (or -1). Depth Cue (0..1): Fade distant stars into object color/filter (low or 0 for snow effect). Note that the depthcue has as many levels as the depth setting above, this is for speed. sample object: Primitive plane