==================================== Glas Enhancer Texture Type: Color, Reflect, Filter. This texture changes an objects attributes according to its thickness (a bit like fog). For instance: make a wineglass and make sure the glass has a certain thickness. Set filter to 255,255,255 and color to 0,0,0. Add the glass texture and set its filter to 0,0,0 and the thickness to where the glass will be non transparant (black) like with fog length. The result will be that glass looks much more convincing. you can also use it to make turbid glass, shaded fog, colored glass and it also works with fog (for instance: color it to thickness). Have fun. Requester: Max. Thickness: Thickness where the objects attributes are totally transformed to the settings below. Color/Reflect/Filter R/G/B: Attributes at Max. Thickness or higher. sample object: Any glass or fog object.