ABOUT....... What is this? Well it's a fairly faithful model of the SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE in Sydney, Australia of course. The object is in Lightwave format and took about 3 days to model. It still doesn't have as much detail as I would like but you won't notice it unless you know the bridge really well or your a stickler for detail. This is NOT architecturally acurate by any means but assumes the basic distinctive "look" of the Sydney Bridge. Only people from Newcastle in Northern England and Pitsburg in the USA may think it's their bridge. There are approximately 13,000 polygons in this object. I tried to keep the count down, but when you start bending things like this you can't help it. The pedestrian rails on both sides are two point polys as is the flag pole on the top and the suspension hangars. I could have used the slice and CSG Boolean functions on the pilons but this would have put the polygon count out of reasonable RAM limits and wouldn't really serve any purpose exept for getting *really* close to. This is circumvented by the use of a bump map on these structures. My Layout tells me that this little bumpmap is consuming 0 bytes - so there you go. *Put the brush in your "TOASTER:3D/Images" directory and Layout should find it when you load the model. There are actually two cities on either side of this bridge but I haven't gotten around to modelling them yet:-) Also the road is fairly bare and is your basic black box. There is also some detail on the underside of the Sydney side of the bridge that is missing. You can put this in your self or Email me at the address below and I will send you the rest of it. I am doing this so I can test the interest in these things. Don't hesitate to mail me;-) I would like to hear from anyone using this for anything. I would also like VHS copies of any Commercial animations that it is used in Please?. Next on the list (I've started it already!) is the Sydney Opera House. This will be as detailed as possible within reason and should follow shortly. It's a complicated structure and could take a while to get finished. Why am I doing this? Guess where the Olypmics are in 2000?...I'm getting in early before Atlanta. You never know...I may end up doing something with Lightwave for the large Stadium screens or something like that. Any OZ Oylimpic Official types out there wanna give me an animators job? I do good things with Lightwave :-) You can Email me at: ivans@zeta.com.au Object/BumpMap & Doc © Copyright 1994. Ivan Smith -Sydney-Australia- -AGASIG- -SYDNEY- -AUSTRALIA-