The INCOM T-65 X-Wing Fighter ----------------------------- Author: Simon C Embley What is it? ----------- As if you need telling. This is an Imagine 2.0 model of the Star Wars X-Wing fighter. It is a cut-down version of my original lotsa-meg model. It was modelled using the MPC model kit and took over 8 months to make (not 8 months solid, of course). The errors in the model kit were removed using the STARLOG Rebel Alliance Technical Journal and the films. This version requires around 4 meg to render. I think. What do I need to know? ----------------------- The wing should be copied 3 times and mirrored (scaled) appropriately. i.e. X -1 X -1, Y-1 Y -1. To lock S-Foils/Wings in attack position, (open them, I mean) rotate each wing open by 10 degrees, so the total angle between the wings on one side is 20 degrees. For example, the wing that is included in this archive should be rotated -10 degrees along the Y-axis. The other, copied and mirrored wings should be rotated accordingly. I don't know why I'm saying this. Anyone who doesn't know what an X-Wing looks like must have been in a different dimension for the last 20 years. Any innacuracies? ----------------- The one thing that I am not 100% sure about is whether or not the wingtip lasers are tilted inwards. It's logical, because otherwise the blasts would not meet in the centre. I have tilted them inwards anyway. What's missing? --------------- Although it may appear to be a pretty detailed model, it's not a patch on the original. Just think, around 4 meg of detail has gone. Phwoar. The full model has: Landing Gear A cockpit More markings A better astromech droid Proton torpedo tubes Proton torpedoes More nobbles/detail all over the place. What the hell....? ------------------ This model is shareware. If you like it, use it a lot and/or would like to have the full model then register it by sending 5 uk pounds + your name and address to:- Simon C Embley, The Rock, Bury Fold Lane, Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 2QD, England, and the full version will be winging its way to you. Not only that, but you'll get a free model of UBRICKKIAN LANDSPEEDER. What the bloody hell is a Ubrickkian Landspeeder? ------------------------------------------------- Ah well, go and dig out your video of Star Wars and go to the bit just before they go into the Mos Eisley Cantina. See that big round doofer outside, just next to the door? That is a Ubrickkian landspeeder. It doesn't look very speedy does it? Perhaps you get in it and someone pushes it down a hill. And the future? --------------- Actually Exist:- The Angel Interceptor from Captain Scarlet. No, it STILL isn't finished, because I'm having a bugger of a job finding out what the front leg looks like, and I want to get it right, not guess. The shots on the TV series aren't clear enough. Where DOES the leg go after takeoff? The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A. This is an absolute monster. It is almost finished (warp engines only remaining) and will probably need over 8 meg to render. Possibly over 10. It fills a disk and a bit already. And it is not mapped. Yet. The largest and most detailed model I've yet done. It's release depends on the sort of response this X-Wing gets. Maybe shareware, maybe not. Theoretically exist:- From Aliens - The Dropship, Sulaco and Robot Sentry. From Star Wars - B-Wing, Mobquet and Void Spider Landspeeders, the Jawa Sandcrawler (possibly), Corellian Corvette (possibly) A car of some sort (possibly). Don't count on the theoreticals being modelled, because anybody who has read the docs with any of my other models will have realised how often I change my mind. The Dropship has the highest probability. Doodah ------ Anyway, this cut-down version of the X-Wing fighter may go all over the place. Go on. Spread it like mad, but keep this archive intact. This text MUST accompany the model wherever it may roam. You may modify the model for your own use only. It must not be re-released with slight alterations (or no alterations, or major modifications, come to that) and/or passed off as someone else's work. PD companies - keep the cost of your disks down. I remember when disks used to cost less than a pound, and now they are around the 3 to 5 pound mark. Naughty. And remember, the better the response to this model, the less likely it is that I'll go and hide in a corner and take up basket weaving instead of 3D modelling. And we can't have that, right kids? I can be emailed at , but as it is at University, if you don't get a reply within a few days, be patient because it's probably during a break and I won't be back for a few weeks. Or days, even. Anyway, enjoy it. Simon C Embley. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Here, do not frighten me, I've got clean underwear on." - Peter Sellers as Bluebottle in The Last Goon Show of All ----------------------------------------------------------------