------------------------------ StarBug --------------------------- -------------- Drawn in Imagine by David Grantham 1994 ----------- The "Eyes" file must be copied to the "ram:" disk. StarBug was copied from a drawing in an Amiga magazine. It is not 100% accurate but the effect is the same. My system spec. is as follows:- Amiga A4000 40Mhz Warp Engine 70 Mb of ram 120 Mb Hdd 1 2 Gb Scsi2 Hdd 2 Vlab Y/C Digitiser US Robitics 14,400 Fax Modem Star LC24 200 colour printer Amiga A500+ Gvp Combo 68030+68882 40Mhz 10 Mb ram 120 Mb hdd Colour Pic Plus digitiser 2 Video Decks 2 Stereos +lots more!!! Most used software:- Imagine 3.0 Adpro 2.5 Dpaint AGA Devpac 2.04 Amos Pro Enjoy.