posbb 0.17 (13.2.98) Portable OS Based Benchmark Amiga Version Created by Pietro Altomani In this version POSBB can't show system config. CopyMem Test Test the speed of RAM access. Time:88 seconds printf Test Tests the speed of text output to stdout (console) Time:192 seconds Math Test Test the speed of some math operations (+,-,*,/) Time:144 seconds FPMath Test Test the speed of some math operations (+,-,*,/) Time:1184 seconds TMath Test Test the speed of trigonometric functions. Time:976 seconds WritePixel Test Tests the speed of pixel drawing. Time: 328 seconds DrawEllipse Test Tests the speed of ellipse drawing. Time: 280 seconds Draw Test Tests the speed of line drawing. Time: 24 seconds /* This should be the latest test made with the Amiga version on my Amiga 1200 + GVP A1230II (68030 @40 MHz) + 4 MB Fat RAM Pietro */