This directory contains vim scripts for specific languages. syntax.vim Contains autocommands to load a language file when a certain file name (extension) is used. And sets up the Syntax menu for the GUI. nosyntax.vim Undo the loading of syntax.vim. scripts.vim Contains checks for the file contents, to recognize some languages and load their script file. A few rules for language files: - The name of the file is the same as the start of the group names used. - Start with a "syntax clear". - Does NOT do anything that is a user preference. - Should avoid using specific colors. Use the standard highlight groups whenever possible. Don't forget that some people use a different background color, or have only eight colors available. A few special files: 2html.vim Converts any highlighted file to HTML (GUI only). colortest.vim Check for color names and actual color on screen. hitest.vim View the current highlight settings. For further info see ":help syntax" in Vim.