Setting up the Board |
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First of all, the red player always moves first. If you are playing against the computer, you may select wether or not the computer makes the first move by selecting either Amiga is Red or Amiga is Blue.
The whole object of the game is to combat the opponents army until you discover the whereabouts of, and capture the opponents Flag.
Push the Begin Turn button to begin setting up your side of the board (the screen is color coded - the red side of the board is where the red player will set up his/her pieces, and the blue player on the blue side of the board - don't worry, the computer will not let you make a mistake ;-).
The setup panel displays all of the game pieces and the number of pieces remaining out of the total number for each piece (ie. 3/4 means that there are three pieces left to place on the board out of a total number of four - implying one has already been placed on the board). The white number in the upper right corner of each piece indicates their rank (with the exception of the Bombs, and the Flag which cannot move, and the Spy which is indicated by the letter S). The lower the number the higher the rank of the game piece. The flashing square on the top left (on the Marshal/1 indicates the currently selected piece to be placed on the board.
To place a piece on the board, select the piece you want from the display panel with the left mouse button (the piece will be highlighted by a flashing square). Now select the square on the board where you wish the piece to appear (anywhere in the top four rows for red, and anywhere in the bottom four rows for blue). Alternatively, you may select a piece at any time by cycling the selection square through the remaining pieces by clicking the menu button (the right mouse button). See HotKeys. This feature allows you to set up your pieces on the board without ever having to go to the display panel to pick a piece.
If you wish to move a piece which you have placed on the board, simply click on the piece with the left mouse button (again the piece will be highlighted), then click on the piece's new destination. The piece will "jump" to the new square. If another piece occupies the selected piece's destination, the pieces will swap places. Once a move is complete, you may highlight the next piece to place on the board by pressing the menu button or by clicking on the piece in the display panel. To cancel a move, click again on the piece same piece, or select a piece in the display panel. Once all pieces of a certain type are placed on the board, the highlight square will automatically cycle to the next available piece.
Once you have your entire side of the board set up to your liking, you may end your turn by pushing the End Turn button on the main screen (you will not be allowed to end your turn until all of your pieces are on the board). Upon ending your turn, all of your tiles will flip (so that your opponent does not see your setup) and an intermediate screen will be displayed. Now player two may set up their side of the board.