Features not yet completed but are probably implemented later: - wonders of world - goverments - music and sound effects - chat window improvements: private messages, ability to give units, towns, inventions and money to other players. - unit, building and invention help screens - statistics window(s) - spying - bug fixes - computer opponents (probably never without help) Features mostly complete: (very incomplete list) - tile sets (16*16 and 32*32 pixel) and other graphics - gnpak-'compiler' (creates scaled-down tile sets, compiles terrain, nation, building, unit and invention data, creates maps from pictures, etc..) Released later and only for registered users. - windowed (PC only) and all 256 color full screen modes supported - line of sight and 'fog of war' - single, hotseat and/or serial, TCP/IP or IPX link play up to 7 players (IPX only in PC version) - town simulation - unit movement, line of sight, combat and specials (road, mine, town building etc..)