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   Just use the supplied install script.  It will ask for a directory
to install the demos and documentation.  It will also prompt for the
directory to place the `MUIRexx' executable.  Make sure the selected
directory is in your global search path.

   Also, the external MUI class, Icon.mcc, must be copied to
MUI:Libs/MUI.  I recommend using the supplied install script which will
install the class and all supporting files.

   `MUIRexx' may be started either from a CLI or from the WorkBench.
The command line syntax for `MUIRexx' is:

     -> [run] MUIRexx (script) PORT (portname) HELP (guidename)
                               OUTPUT (outname) ERROUT (outname)

If (SCRIPT) is specified then the corresponding `ARexx' script will be
executed, otherwise, the code will wait until it receives a command,
presumably from a subsequently executed `ARexx' command or script.  The
PORT option will set the `MUIRexx' host address to (PORTNAME).  If not
given then the host address will be MUIREXX.  The HELP option specifies
an AmigaGuideŽ file to be used for online help (see the NODE argument
descriptions for selected gadgets). The OUTPUT and ERROUT options will
turn on port monitoring which will result in a trace list of either all
issued commands or just errors (and the commands associated with the
errors) respectivily. The (OUTNAME) may be a file name or console
device.  If none is specified then the default is CON:.

   To use `MUIRexx' from the WorkBench a project icon must be supplied
with the application startup script.  The icon name should be the
startup script name with the file extension .INFO replacing .REXX.
Alternativily, a tooltype SCRIPT may be set to the name of the script
to be executed on startup.  The full path should be specified if the
icon is not located in the same directory as the script.  The default
tool for the icon should be set to `MUIRexx' (with the full path
included if `MUIRexx' is not in the global path).  A tooltype PORT may
be specified to set the host address name for the application.  If this
tooltype is not specified then the name will be set to the icon name
(minus the .INFO extension).  Also, a tooltype HELP may be included to
specify the AmigaGuideŽ file as above.  It is also recommended that the
value for the stack size be set at a reasonable level (whatever that
is). If problems occur running a script try setting the stack higher.
Likewise, tooltypes can be defined for OUTPUT and ERROUT.