During play, type any of the following:
"ICANFLY"------Lets you fly
"EGGONASPRING"----High jump
Hold down 'S', 'P', 'A', 'C', and 'SPACE KEY'. Now press 'C' to disappear (space makes you reappear). When you have disappeared, 'M' key moves the map around.
Here are some objects, and where to use them:
"CHEST"-------------------Below the cliff
"SNORKEL"-----------------In the water
"GRAVEDIGGER SPADE"-------In the grave on island 2
"MAGIC STONE"-------------Totem pole (island 2)
"AXE & BIBLE"-------------Bridge (island 1)
"POGO STICK"--------------Pogo place on ship
"GOLD COINS"--------------The shop
"FIRE PROOF SUIT"---------Smuggler's cave (island 2)
"GOLD EGG"----------------Shop
"BRASS KEY"---------------Smuggler's cave
"CROWBAR"-----------------Rock in water