Ami Cheat's Page - MR. NUTZ (OCEAN)


On the map screen type "DONTPANIC" and use the following keys while on the map screen:

'A'-----------Gives you all power ups
'Q'-----------------Adds stars to you
'W'----------Subtracts stars from you
'F5'---------Adds lives to your stock
'F6'--Subtracts lives from your stock
'F7'-----------Add gems to your stock
'F8'----Subtract gems from your stock
'F9'----------Add bombs to your stock
'F10'--Subtract bombs from your stock
'F1-F4'---Jump to corresponding level
'1-7'---Warp around the current world

Use the following keys during the platform sections:

'F1'--Turns you in to the fire ball
'F2'-------------Gives you a shield
'F3'-------------Gives you a shield

The following doesn't work on all versions:

Pause the game and slowly type any of the following:

"COOL JUMP NUT"----------For infinite lives
"SORCERER"----------------For invincibility
"OCEANSOFT"--To activate the following keys
'F9'------------------------------For bombs
'F10'--------------------------For diamonds
'SPACE'----------------------To skip levels


On level one, when you come to the first teleporter, keep going right, until you find the the first ladder. Go up to it and get a blue flag - it has loads of gems, lives and hit points, so you can keep going until you have thousands of stars and 99 lives.

index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main