TALK to Marcus at the start - (Select: "What do you mean, considering his situation?", then: "After my job, eh? Who is this expert?" learn of John Reid) - Walk to the drinking fountain - USE DRINKING FOUNTAIN - Walk to the Gymnasium - CLOSE DOOR - Walk to the Locker Room - (You will automatically change and enter the boxing "Go easy on me. I'm a bit out of shape!"......when the fight commences, just hold down the '9' key until it is ALWAYS win!) - (Now select: "I think I'll pass for now. Maybe another time" will automatically leave the ring and change) - Walk to the door - OPEN DOOR - Go through it to the left - Walk to the first (and only!) door on the screen.......opposite the girl talking) - OPEN DOOR - Enter this door - (You will now be in a classroom of ranting students!) - TALK TO STUDENTS - (Select: "Just a moment folks, I'm sure we can work something out".......then: "Please relax. I have a solution that is fair to everyone".....then: "Irene, take down names and I will see everyone in order") - (You will now be in your office) - Walk over to the window on the right - OPEN THE WINDOW - Go through the window.

(You will automatically be picked up by two guys and taken to see Walter Donovan. Note the words: "....a spring welling up inside him for eternal life"...."through the desert to the canyon of the crescent moon"....."where the cup that holds the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord resides forever"...and the clues: 'this slab is one of two markers left by three knights during he First Crusade'..........'this Franciscan manuscript tells of the second marker buried with one of the knights'...........'it suggests that a description of the Grail can be found on the way to the Knight's tomb'..........'it also says a painting was made of the Grail that answers a question my Father had: Does the Grail actually glow? and 'our team leader believes it is in Venice, Italy - and that is where he disappeared'. You are automatically returned to outside the College).

Select TRAVEL then HENRY'S HOUSE - Walk over to the tilted bookcase which is on top of another one - PULL BOOKCASE - Select WHAT IS and position the marker precisely on Indy's right hand, to see "Sticky Tape" - Walk to it then PICK UP STICKY TAPE - LOOK STICKY TAPE to learn that it feels fact it contains a key but you'll need to dissolve the tape first - Walk into the bedroom to the right and PICK UP the small picture by the first window - LOOK PAINTING - (a painting of a trophy) - Walk back to the door - Position the marker in the greenery of the pot plant - PICK UP PLANT - PICK UP TABLECLOTH - OPEN CHEST - (Locked!!) - Go back outside to return to the College.

Walk up to the front door - OPEN DOOR then enter it - Return to your classroom - (back to face those screaming students!......there are other ways - using he window for access - to pass through this part of the game, but doing this bit TWICE in TWO DIFFERENT ways, gains the most points!) - TALK to the Students - Select: "Perhaps you all should find another faculty advisor"...then: "There's a geology professor who knows archeology"....then: "Professor John Reid. Tell him Mulbray recommended him" - (You are now back in your office) - Walk over to the JAR in the centre of the first rack - OPEN JAR - USE STICKY TAPE IN JAR - (to get your key!) - CLOSE JAR - Walk behind your desk - PICK UP JUNK MAIL - PICK UP LETTERS - PICK UP PAPERS - PICK UP PACKAGE - (you automatically replace the letters, papers and junk mail).

OPEN PACKAGE - (to find your Father's Grail Diary) - Walk over to your door on the right - OPEN DOOR - Walk through it - CLOSE your door - Walk right across the classroom, which is now empty! - Walk over to the door on the right - OPEN DOOR - Walk through it and CLOSE DOOR - Go back outside the College - Select 'TRAVEL' and return to 'HENRY'S HOUSE' - Walk to the chest - USE SMALL KEY ON CHEST - Select WHAT IS and move the marker around the chest until you locate an OLD BOOK - PICK UP OLD BOOK - LOOK OLD BOOK - (This is a 'copy' of the Grail Diary, that you made as a little boy) - CLOSE CHEST and leave - (You are now ready to leave for Venice) - Select 'TRAVEL' then 'TO THE PLANE TO VENICE' - (The game will now 'autorun' for a while).


(You now have your famous whip!)

(Take note of that MANHOLE COVER - it is your way out of the'll also need an empty wine bottle) - (when the automatic sequence ends, you will be alone in the foyer of the Library - apart from that deaf librarian!) - Go back outside and make your way to the patio where you arrived in Venice - Walk over to the far left table where the two lovers are talking over a bottle of wine - LOOK WINE BOTTLE - PICK UP WINE BOTTLE - (Sometimes they may NOT have finished with it - in that case walk around the other tables and keep trying to pick it up until they let you - Having obtained the empty wine bottle return to the Library foyer.

(You now have to search all the stacks of books and obtain the following THREE books: "MEIN KAMPF", "FLIGHT MANUAL" and "BOOK OF MAPS" patient, this takes time!!) - LOOK at every stack and when you locate the correct section for the particular title you are seeking, select WHAT IS and find 'BOOK' as opposed to 'BOOKS'. When you have obtained all three, LOOK at them for further hints and clues - Now locate the METAL POST (with the RED CORDON) and PICK UP both of only need to PICK UP METAL POST and the cordon comes with it!

Now walk to the Stained Glass window (not the foyer) and Walk up to it - LOOK WINDOW - LOOK GRAIL DIARY - (Note the design of the window on the page, particularly the positions of the ANGELS, the pattern of the SHIELD and the design resting ATOP THE SHIELD. Walk around the stained glass windows until you find the one that MATCHES EXACTLY that in your diary.

LOOK GRAIL DIARY again and note the message below the picture:"If ye would enter...........". This tells you which column to go to (LEFT or RIGHT) and which number to take note of (FIRST,SECOND or THIRD) - Walk up to the correct column - LOOK INSCRIPTION - (You will see a set of Roman numerals......note the one you require, 1st, 2nd or 3rd) - Walk to the MATCHING SLAB - USE METAL POST WITH SLAB (Number?) - Ignore the Guard who tries to stop you, and you are now in the Catacombs!!

NOTE: It is wise to save your game at this stage and these are the items that you should currently have with you:

Looking at the Book Of Maps provides a rough guide as to the layout of the Catacombs.......but it is ONLY a guide!!


From the first chamber (with the steps, where you entered), proceed through the archway facing away from you in the centre of the screen. refer to Level 1 of the Catacombs maps and make your way to the two skeletons chained to the wall. Position the cursor over the hook on the arm of the right-hand skeleton and PICK UP THE HOOK.

Refer to the Level 1 map and make your way to the cavern with the torch on the wall. The torch cannot be taken or lit but it is a lever to operate a trapdoor mechanism. However, it is rather encrusted with hard mud and this must first be loosened with water. Exit right through the broken wooden door.

Now proceed to the cavern with skulls and bones. You will notice a stone slab in the floor. This slab cannot be lifted from this side and is, in fact, the only EXIT from Level 1A, as we shall soon see! Exit through the right tunnel.

Follow the maps to the pool of water. You need to get beyond this water to gain access to the lower levels (2&3) of the Catacombs. Notice the plug at the bottom of the water-filled cavern - this must be removed from BELOW to drain the water away. Let's get some water first for that torch! USE WINE BOTTLE WITH POOL OF WATER.

Now return to where the torch is. (See map). Walk up to the torch and USE WINE BOTTLE ON TORCH to loosen the mud. PULL TORCH and down you go!! You are now on Level 1A and you lose the wine bottle.

Make your way to the stone bridge. Cross the bridge to the other side and you are now inside a small cavern. Walk up to the first inscription and READ INSCRIPTION. They refer to a description of the correct Grail. Walk back over the bridge and stop directly under the plug. USE HOOK WITH WOODEN PLUG. Now go left of the plug and USE WHIP WITH PLUG/HOOK. The water will now be drained from that pool, collapsing the stone bridge in the process!! Exit left, walk to the tunnel with the ladder and go up through the stone slab, back to Level 1.

Exit right and make your way to where the pool was. There we are - all drained! Exit far right and follow the maps to the wooden machinery. Walk up to the machine and USE RED CORDON ON MACHINE to replace the drive belt. Now, walk over to the wheel on the right and TURN ON WHEEL. This will lower a drawbridge for you on Level 2. (Turning the wheel again will RAISE the drawbridge again!). Exit right.

Follow the maps to the wooden figures panel. Walk in front of the statues and LOOK GRAIL DIARY. Note the correct sequence from the LEFT page. Start with the RIGHT statue and PUSH STATUE until it matches the right figure in the diary. Now go to the LEFT statue and PUSH STATUE until it matches the left figure in the diary. Finally, PUSH the centre STATUE and, if you've got it right, the door will now open. Go through the door and down the steps to Level 2.

Follow the maps and proceed to the drawbridge cavern. Cross the drawbridge (which you lowered earlier) and exit the other side. Follow the maps to the cavern with shelves and exit left. Follow the maps again until you reach the musical skulls cavern and wooden door, which leads down to Level 3. Walk up to the skulls and LOOK GRAIL DIARY. You will now see a musical notation set on one of the pages. Read the notes in the diary from LEFT to RIGHT. The TOP LINE of the staff corresponds with the LEFT skull; The SECOND LINE corresponds with the SECOND FROM THE LEFT skull, and so on. A note BELOW the staff, corresponds with the RIGHTMOST (SIXTH) skull. Note the order of pushing the skulls. It is a good idea to select PUSH from the text then position the cursor over the required skull and clicking, to ensure that you push the correct one. After pushing the skulls in the correct sequence, the door on the right will now open, affording access to Level 3.

Go through the door on the right and follow the Level 3 map to the Crypt. Walk up to the casket and OPEN CASKET. LOOK CASKET..........Ta! Da!!....You will now see the body of a Knight!! The shield is the second marker that Donovan spoke mentions the ancient city of, the city of Iskenderun is built on its ruins.......we'll find the Grail near there.

Go RIGHT and you come to an iron grating. Position the cursor over the lock mechanism and OPEN OLD RUSTY LOCK. Exit right through the pipe. You are now back under the Piazza. Go up to the ladder and OPEN MANHOLE COVER then go up.

Elsa will now rejoin will a wet Marcus! He tells you that your Father is being held captive in the Brunwald Castle on the Austrian-German border and you tell him that the Grail is in Iskenderun. You arrange to meet in Iskenderun after you've rescued your Father. You now travel automatically to Castle Brunwald.


NOTE: You will need to thoroughly explore the Castle to familiarise yourself with its layout, before attempting to solve all its problems!

On arrival, enter the Castle and bluff your way past the Butler to gain more points than if you fight. To save time, I have used a series of numbers corresponding with the lines of dialogue available, so for the Butler, select choices 2, 1 and then 2. (2.1.2.). The Butler will now leave the Castle.

Take the top exit to the North Wing and locate the room with the Drunken Guard in it. Talk to the drunk and ask him every question except the one accusing him of being drunk on duty. You should now be carrying his stein.

Exit this room and locate the Kitchen. Walk to the keg and fill the stein with ale and then walk over to the fireplace and extinguish the hot coals with the ale. Wait a few moments for the steam to disperse then take the roast boar and head for the Castle Entrance.

Walk past the swastika emblem and enter the ground floor Hallway. Head Southwards where you will meet a Guard. Use the dialogue lines: 3.2.1 then head for the Laundry Room. Here steal the Servant's uniform, then leave this room and walk towards the top of the screen in the direction of the staircase. Just before you get to the stairs you will bump into another Guard. Use the dialogue lines: 1.2.2. and ascend the stairs.

At the top of the stairs quickly nip into the first room on the right (LEFT ON SCREEN!). Change into the Servant's uniform and leave the room, follow the corridor down the screen until you meet another Guard at the T-Junction. Offer this one the PAINTING and then move right across the screen and along the corridor and up to the door on your left. Enter this room and open the chest that you find there. Take the Uniform and examine it to find a Small Brass Key. Now return to the room at the top of the stairs - where you last changed clothes - and change back into your original Indy clothes.

Go back down to the Laundry room and you can now operate the key on the lock on the clothing rack. Take the Grey Uniform and go back upstairs to your 'changing' room. Change into this uniform. Leave this room and follow the corridor around past the room where you found the last chest, and left and upwards on your screen to the next door on your left. Enter this room and use dialogue line: 3 with the Guard and leave.

Go up the screen and then right at the T-Junction and enter the room at the extreme right end of this next corridor. Talk to this Guard using the dialogue lines: 2.2.3. Leave this room and walk to the extreme left end of this corridor to enter the Castle Security Centre. Here, offer the Guard your copy of Mein Kampf - which you should have obtained from the Library in Venice - and he will leave you alone here. It is possible to de-activate the security system by pouring some ale through that grating, but for the purposes of this solution, we're gonna get captured!! Now, simply leave this room.

From your current screen position in the corridor, walk to the right then down the screen, then across to the extreme right of your screen to the base of another staircase - DO NOT go upstairs just yet! Instead move down the screen to meet yet another Guard. Talk to him using the dialogue lines: then go into the room behind him and take the First Aid Kit. Leave this room and go up the screen and ascend those stairs to the upper floor.

Here you will meet another Guard where you should challenge him by using the dialogue lines: 1.2.1. Vogul's Office is the FIRST door you see from the head of the stairs so when you have dealt with the Guard, enter it. Approach the dog and give it the roast boar that you lifted from the Kitchen. Take the Trophy and the Pass from the filing cabinet, leave the room and find your way back downstairs to the head of the lower staircase where you changed your clothes earlier, enter the room and change back into your Indy gear.

Now leave this room and go back to the Kitchen to fill your newly possessed TROPHY with ale. Go back to your 'changing' room and change into your uniform, then go up to the Upper Floor. Proceed down past Vogul's Office and walk towards the left of the screen where you will bump into 'Biff the Nazi'!!! Words mean little to this creep! Offer him your trophy full of ale and he'll quickly swig it down before preparing himself to knock your block off......however, the ale will affect his performance and, provided you have maintained your fitness, one swift punch from you will send him to tweety-land!!

Right, just one more Guard to deal with. After dealing with Biff proceed downwards and along the left of the bottom corridor. When you meet the Guard, use the dialogue lines: 3.2.3. Go back towards the right of your screen, then up to the top and left along the top corridor to the last door. Enter this to locate Henry!! Pull the wires above the door to activate the alarm and you will both now be tied up downstairs in front of a statue of armour.


Saving is particularly important here as you must be positioned EXACTLY in order for the axe to cut through your bonds!

Pull the chair until your bonds are exactly in line with the axe above then KICK the armour and the axe will - hopefully - cut the ropes! Now PUSH the statue on the LEFT of the Fireplace and an opening will be revealed. Proceed through this opening, take that convenient motorcycle combination waiting outside and head for Berlin!


NOTE: There are several methods of completing this particular section so what follows is a guide as to the order of business as opposed to step-by-step instructions.

Arriving at Berlin you will first retrieve the Grail Diary from Dr. Schneider. Having turned around you will come face to face with the Fuhrer himself. Give him the Pass and, thinking that you are a fan wanting his autograph, he will sign it. You now have a pass authorised by the Fuhrer himself!

You now get back on your motorcycle for a tour of Nazi Germany! From time to time you'll be stopped by German sentries. Simply show them the pass in order to continue. Eventually you should arrive at the Aerodrome.

Get HENRY to ask the man with the newspaper about his grandchildren. While they are engaged in conversation, you should carefully rifle his pockets and steal his TICKETS. Now head outside to the waiting Zeppelin airship. Climb aboard and give your tickets to the Steward. Once the airship is airborne send Henry to the left, towards the piano player. Get him to place his coins in the pianist's bowl and ask when the Zeppelin is due to land.

Meanwhile, the craft's Radio Operator will hear music and leave his post. You must quickly duck inside his cabin and OPEN the CABINET. Taking the wrench you must then smash the Radio and then leave. (You may be confronted by the Radio Operator if you're not quick enough, in which case you will have to fight!).

HINT...If you still can't do the radio smashing in the time allocated, simply SWITCH to Henry and ask him to request another song, then SWITCH back again as the Operator leaves again! It is possible!!

Now, insert the wrench into the hole near the Radio Operator's cabin and TURN it. A Ladder will appear from the Roof and you should climb into the Zeppelin's upper reaches. Avoiding the Guards you must negotiate the maze of catwalks and locate the exit at the bottom left. There is a biplane below you here! Climb into the biplane.

FLYING HINTS.....Indy does the FLYING and Henry does the SHOOTING. The more fighters you can shoot down, the farther out of Germany you will get, and the more Checkpoints you will fly over. Eventually, if you shoot down all the enemy planes - 18 of them - then you will run out of fuel and crash land!

There is no SIMPLE winning strategy but the following may help: Always try to start with your plane centred in the screen. The first time this is easy because you automatically start here! Later, you'll find that you'll have to hurry to reposition yourself after shooting down an enemy.

When the enemy plane appears, watch the cross-hair move towards it. This represents Henry's aiming point for his machine gun. Just BEFORE the cross-hair and the enemy plane come together, hit the key to send your biplane AWAY from the enemy, in as near a straight line as you can manage. This will often result in Henry successfully shooting him down. If the enemy plane is still there when your plane reaches the edge of the screen, move your plane along the edge by making a right-angle turn, then back towards the centre to try again.

If the enemy first comes in from the LEFT side of the screen, wait until the cross-hair is almost centred upon it then move YOUR plane to the RIGHT. When your plane reaches the RIGHT edge, move it up or down until it reaches the corner of the screen. Then move DIAGONALLY back to the centre. Remember....PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!

Eventually you and Henry will crash far you've travelled will depend on how many enemy planes you downed. Now take the BLUE car and get on your way - with Henry - towards Iskenderun. Show your 'Hitler-signed' pass at any Checkpoint to proceed.


Upon arrival at the Temple, Donovan will take a shot at Henry! Proceed to the North direction to face your first test. You should refer to the PRINTED Grail Diary that came with your game now. Page 56 shows a picture of some rocks, a mechanism and a 'X'. The 'X' marks the spot in the graphic that you have to walk to. Your character will automatically kneel when he reaches this spot on the screen. Now wait and you have passed your first test - the Breath of God.

You must now face your second test - the WORD of God. Here you must simply step ONLY on the lettered stones that are in the NAME OF GOD, i.e, J-E-H-O-V-A. This name will be repeated as you cross. You can back up and move diagonally as long as you don't step on the WRONG letters! Once you are safely across you will have completed your second test.

The third and final test is the PATH of God. This is so simple it's almost unreal!! But real it is and just BELIEVE that it is possible and it will be!! As soon as the chasm screen appears quickly click on the RIGHT side and walk straight across........thin air.......if you pause for thought you'll blow it - have faith!

Having completed the three tests sucessfully you will now meet the last remaining Knight who has been guarding the Grail for 700 years! He will ask you to choose a Cup from many others that are on display along the wall.

If you remember the inscriptions in the Catacombs of Venice which refer to your PRINTED Grail Diary you will know whether the real Grail GLOWS. Pick up the Grail that fits the CORRECT description. Now, use the Grail with the Holy Water. This will tell you if you have made the correct choice. With the correct Grail in your possession, return to the Temple's entrance to help your father.

Meanwhile, Dr. Schneider will grab the cup and try to make good her escape. As she does this, so the floor will open up and she'll fall with the Grail. Well, you cannot save the Doctor but you DO have a chance to save the Grail. You must quickly USE your WHIP on the GRAIL to save it.

You can leave now, but the noble thing to do is to give the Grail back to the Knight to complete the game!!!

As I've hinted at throughout this solution, there are various OTHER ways of tackling some of the puzzles and more than one route to its successful conclusion!.......Have fun finding them!!!

index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main