Enter your room and GET PURSE. Now CHANGE CLOTHES. Leave your room and continue up to passage to the garden where the queen hangs out. Talk to her. ASK ABOUT FLOWER. GET FLOWER ASK ABOUT LANCELOT ask her about anything else she talks about if you want. Now exit the room and continue down the passage. Go to the next tower where the treasury and Wizards room are. To get to the wizards room you continue to go forward in the tower where you see the treasure. The wizards room is that tiny tower next to the treasury. Enter the treasury and ASK MAN ABOUT BUNDLES. ASK ABOUT COINS. ASK ABOUT GEWAIN. GIVE PURSE TO MAN, GET GOLD, GET SILVER, and GET COPPER. Now GET PURSE back from the man. Leave the treasury and go into the wizard's room. In here you TALK TO MERLIN, ASK ABOUT MAP, GLASTONBURY TOR, OT MOOR. You can also ask a few other things if you want. Now go and take a look at the map in his room. Then READ SCROLL, READ TRANSLATION. Go to the chest and open it. GET LODESTONE. Go down from the wizards room. Pass the next tower and do not leave through the exit, but instead walk past it to the last tower you have not been to. This is the chapel of the two gods. Go to each of the alters here and KNEEL. Put a gold coin on each alter. Go the exit you passed earlier to the courtyard. ASK GUARD ABOUT GALAHAD AND LANCELOT. MOUNT HORSE and leave the castle.

Now back on the map, the first place you go is to Glastonbury Tor. You will see a little forest sprite on the screen as you enter. Give him a copper coin. Now go west and you will see a poor hunter there. Give the poor hunter a copper coin. Ask him about lots of people if you want information. You can ask about Lancelot, Gawain, Mad Monk, Black Knight, and maybe some others. Give the man a gold coin and he will give you the spear you need. Now get back on your horse and continue west. You will fight three boars here. You just press space bar when the boar is real close. Now continue on to the next screen. Talk to the CROW. He will ask you if you want to challenge Black Knight, say YES. Now look at the dead guy by the tree. GET SLEEVE. Now go to the next screen where you will joust Black Knight. Look where his shield is and don't hit the shield, instead hit his body. After you unseat him three times you will win. Go east and free your friend. Draw you sword and BREAK SHACKLESS with your sword. Talk to him and ask him questions and then.... Put Gawain on your horse and he will be taken back to your castle. Now continue on and you will see a hag. Give the hag the sleeve that you got. This will free her of the curse. Now save your game. Read the writing on the thingwhere the hag was. Go LEFT. There are a lot of hard riddles here. Here are some answers to some of the questions. Keep restoring and there will be different questions each time you come. If you get lucky you will get five questions you know.

Here are some of the answers to the questions.

You here me before, you hear me again...
Sky, feather of a blue jay, water
Follow you around
Look you in eye... never lies
Young, sweet in the sun, middle ages makes you gay, old makes it valuable
Three lives...breaks rock...caresses sky
Carries burden... would break a mans back, leaves silver in its track
If you break me... if you lose me
I turn around once, what is out will not get in, I turn around again, what is in will not get out, what am I

Some other usefull answeres are:


When you've got the answeres, walk between the stones You will be teleported to the center of Tor. Go north and you will see the monk there. ASK ABOUT GRAIL to him. He will get mad and run north. Follow him north and if he is not in the screen when you follow him north, continue west. You will see two illusions of the monk and one real one. Draw you sword and use space bar to hit the monks with your sword. After you beat the monks the servants will say you cannot leave. Look around the ruins for the alter and put five silver coins on it. The servants will allow you to go and give you a key. Take this key and look around for the well which is in the ruins. When you get to the well. USE KEY to unlock the lock on the lid of the well. REMOVE LID and REACH IN WELL. Get the heart from the well, Return to the place where you enter Glastonbury Tor. The way backwards is south, east, west, west, south, east, east. In this screen the sprite will pop up again. Save your game here just incase he plays a trick on you. When he asks for copper just GIVE THE BASTERD ONE COPPER COIN.


Go south back to the map. Go to Ot Moor. It will be snowing here. Go around here till you get to the ice. The screens are RIGHT, UP, UP! USE HEART when you get on the ice. The heart will guide you across the ice. When the heart is gold you are going in the right direction, and when it is purple the ice will break and you will fall in. This part is very hard, even with the heart. Move one slowly one step at a time save your game every few steps.


After watching the color change to purple and the ice breaking, and changing to gold, and the ice not breaking, You will eventually make it across the ice. You will see an ice palace here. Go inside and you will see the lady of the lake. Talk to here. GIVE HEART to her. She will thank you and give you information. Say FREE LANCELOT. She will give you a test. Accept the test. ASK ABOUT TEST. LOOK BUSH.

Here are some answers:

It alleviates all pain and sorrows...
When light is dim and courage fails...
Almond blossom
Known to the priest and nun, who natural pleasures to shun...
For its sweet sake, you suffer in silence...
Forget me not
In time of grief, it gives relief...
It can be as sweet as the tongue, or vile as a curse...
Yellow lilly
Surrounded by giants, your worries are few...

The message of the Rose: Love is my shield

AND MAYBE THIS WILL HELP YOU....... The language of the flowers. From the earliest days of civilization, flowers have been given special meanings. For example, the rose has a long association with love, sexuality and with many goddesses, the virgin mary, and the science of alchemy. Not only the flower itself, but often the color indicated what significance was attached to it. There are many legends of flowers springing up where drops of blood or tears fell to the ground. What follows is a list of flowers and their meanings.

Almond blossom
memories of childhood
Yellow chrysanthemum
slighted love
White chrysanthemum
celibacy (NUN & PRIEST)
true love
sport, game, or play
White lily
Yellow lily
Blue periwinkle
early friendship
White periwinkle
pleasures of memory
Red poppy
Scarlet poppy
fantastic extravagance
hope or consolation
Red tulip
declaration of love
Yellow tulip
hopeless love

You only need to answer three, so there is a good chance you will get a lot of the questions. Now that you have answered these three riddles you will be set free and teleported before the ice.

Now go back west two screens to the map and go to Southhampton. Talk to the man near the boat. Ask the man about Galahad and ASK ABOUT PRICES. BUY TRIP TO GAZA. The ticket to Gaza will cost 3gp's. DO YOU STILL HAVE MONEY IN YOUR PURSE? You probably only have two GP's, so give two gold pieces and five silver pieces or (if you have them) 3 gold pieces. The man and you will get your ticket. Off to Gaza!

When you enter Gaza, you will see a man and a boy. They will both persuade you to go with them. GO WITH BOY. He will take you to his master. You can ask him questions. Ask Al-Sirat about stuff like the grail, Galahad, the goddesses, and their guardians, and other things you feel necessary to ask for. Write down the things he tells you like the names of the goddesses and their symbols.

When you are ready to go to the desert, you will see Jabir again. Don't hire him, but just continue into the desert. After you come to the first screen in the SOUTH. Go east, south, and east. Don't drink the water because it is poisonous. Jabir will stand in your way to go east now. Draw your sword and he will run. Once Jabir runs, go east and then north. You will see a building here. Go up the stairs in the south of the screen on to the platform. Then take the stairs. Going down from the platform to the Pool of Siloam. When you get down here, drink from the pool of siloam. Now go back up and leave this building and go north. You will get to the Zion gate if you continue going north. You will see four guards here. Give the one guard you talk to 4 copper pieces. Now go west along the wall until you reach the Jaffa's gate. A man will ask you to give him all your money. Just draw you sword. Now enter through the gate. You will be robbed right when you enter. There is no way to get the money back. Now that you have no money go to the man Mohammed. He is caring for your mule. Sell the mule to him and you will have lots of money again. Mohammed will tell you all the conversions for the money he gives to you.


Now you will not enter the bizarre. You get to go around and make everyone happy. Go around talking to people if you want. When you find the seeress, buy the THRUTH apple she has for one dinar. She will reveal her job. She tell you about the apple you have just eaten. Now go around and make people happy. You will find out that Ibraham (thetextile merchant) needs a veil. Go to the Felafel maker who is cooking felafels. Buy a felafel and give it to the little boy next to the felafel stand. Now go to the pottery seller and buy a mirror from him. Now go to the place where you sold Mohammed your mule. CALL FOR MARI who lived upstairs. THROW MIRROR to Mari. AND WHAT DOES THE BITCH DO?... She will go back in.!! JUST CALL MARI again. Ask for the veil. She will throw down the veil. Now take the veil back to Ibraham and give him the veil. He will be happy. Now look for the meat merchant and buy a LAMB piece from him. Take the LAMB to the felafel maker and give her the sheep. You have accomplished another good deed. Now look for the fish man and talk to him. He will tell you his problems. Go to the lamp merchant and buy the herbs from him. Now go back to the smelly fish dude and USE HERBS. You will have fixed the problem for him and his neighbors. Tariq talks about a religious relic. Go to the relic guy (Antiquarius Rex) and buy a relic. He will ask you for a name. Type in "PETER". Don't worry about the grail he talks about. Now go back to the lamp merchant and give him the relic. Now buy charcoals from the lamp merchant. Take the charcoals and give them to the beggar. The lamp merchant should have given you a broom when you gave him the relic. Go to the innkeeper and KNOCK DOOR Give him the broom.

Enter his inn and stay a night. Now go back to the screen where you sold Mohammed the mule. You will see a woman who is crying. TALK TO WOMAN.

Go to the grain dude and buy grain from him. You should be about broke once you buy the grain. Take the grain back to the girl and THROW GRAIN. The birds will come down and you have performed yet another good deed. You have not passed the test! Go back to the apple lady and talk to her. She will tell you to go to the house with the crescent and moon next. She will give you also a strength apple. (Keep it for later) Now go to the big house with the star and the crescent. Say no to all your seductions. (Hard, isn't it!) Talk to her and then ask her about things such as Galahad, the grail, and the test. After you ask about the test, she will open the door for you. First you must give your purse.

(THAT DOES SOUND FAMILIAR?) Go through the door to take the test. REMEMBER THE SYMBOLS that Al Sirat gave you, and you'll pass this test. THIS IS VERY TRICKY! Fatima will tell you if you pass the test. Now go to the Hierophant. The Hierophant is the old beggar who you gave the charcoals to. Talk to him and ask him to open the catacombs. He will do that and give you an elixir. To find your way around in the catacombs, use the lodestone. Now go around the catacombs and look at the murals. Keep looking around until you find a childs mummy with a medallion on it. Go to the right of the mummy and use your sword to get the medallion. Now go to the sarcophagus and read the inscription on it. Go to the open part of the sarcophagus and get the golden apple. Now you should easily find Galahad. Give Galahad the elixir that you got from the Hierophant. You should get bitten by a rat right now, but don't worry. Just continue on,but hurry now. Now look around for the statue of Aphrodite. Put the golden apple in the palm of her hand.

The answers to the questions are:

Who was dragged to death behind his chariot?
In the kingdom of Flora what represented fertility and is sacred to Aphrodite?
What is Aphrodites sacred number?
In the kingdom of Fauna what represented fertility and is sacred to Aphrodite?
Who ended the dispute between Aphrodite and Persephone about Adonis?
What is the name of the king who was the father of Hippolytus?

After you answered all of her questions, she will give you directions on how to get out of the catacombs and a dove. Write down all the directions she give you. When the secret doors opens use the lodestone determine which doors to take. The lodestone always points north. Follow the directions, and then take the stairs out. Don't forget to take a look at the dead warriors skull.

Now get to the temple. Walk all around the temple and check it out. When you encounter the Saracen, eat the strength apple. Put on the helmet that Saracen gives you. Now fight the thing.

If you die of poison at any time in this whole area, then you have wasted too much time, so restore to the part where you get bitten and do everything more quickly.

After you beat the Saracen, use the dove. Follow the dove until Aphrodite appears. Listen to what she says. Then ask Merlin about the spiral. Now go to the spiral. When you are facing the spiral on the inside of the temple. Now move to the left and count the spaces of the remains of the pillars until you get to the 6th one. The secret is...Count the empty hole too! Push the 6th pillar, and voila!!! Now get the grail. The grail will be stolen by a thief when you get it. Chase the thief down the stairs and into the alley. He will be trapped in the alley. You can kill the thief or show mercy to him. Grab the grail and you are done.

Thats all folks! Sit back and watch the end sequence

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