GU_OpenCatalog -- Open a message catalog.

	catalog = GU_OpenCatalog(name, version)
	D0                       A0    D0

	struct Catalog *GU_OpenCatalog(STRPTR, ULONG);

	This function opens a message catalog. Catalogs contain all the
	text strings that an application uses. These strings can easily
	be replaced by strings in a different language, which causes the
	application to magically start operation in that new language.

	Catalogs originally come from disk files. This function searches
	for them in the following places:


	where languageName is the name of the language associated with the
	locale parameter.

	catalogname - the NULL terminated name of the catalog to open (just
		      the name, not the complete path to it).

	version - required version of the catalog to open. Passign 0 as version
		  number means that the program will accept any found version of
		  the catalog. Other values than 0 means exactly that version.

	catalog - A message catalog to use with GU_GetLocaleStr or any of the
		  Locale library functions or NULL. NULL is returned on error
		  or if the application can use its built-in strings instead
		  of loading a catalog from disk.


	will open any version of the catalog file "myprogram.catalog" found
	in either PROGDIR:Catalogs/languageName/ (where the program was started
	from), or LOCALE:Catalogs/languageName/.


	will open version 5 of the catalog file. If v5 is not available, the
	program will use its internal strings.

	If you want to specify other tags than the version tag, you must
	use the Locale library OpenCatalog(). This function is generally a
	shortcut to that function. By using this routine, you may not need
	to open Locale library at all.

	This routine assumes that the built-in language of the program is
	english. If you write your programs in another language, you must
	open the catalog by yourself.

	GU_CloseCatalog(), locale/OpenCatalog()

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