Later: ~~~~~~ Ideas for later versions of GadUtil.library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************** * THIS LIST IS UNSORTED. EVERYTHING WRITTEN * * HERE CAN/WILL BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE ORDER ANY * * OF US DECIDES TO IMPLEMENT IT IN. * * ALL NEW IDEAS IS IN FIRST IN THE LIST. * ************************************************** * Make GU_CreateBevelBoxA possible to handle more kinds of bevel boxes. * Create a GU_GetGadgetAttrsA that works on v37. * Write include files and test programs for other programming languages. The possible additions are: - Oberon ( Oberon 1.4ß is almost PD (GNU) ) - Modula2 ( Amiga Turbo Modula-2 v1.0d (demoversion 2k) ) - Pascal ( HiSoft Pascal) - E ( v3.0e demoversion, 32k exe) * Make it possible to let GadUtil open asl-requesters by itself by using some new tags for the FILE_KIND and DRAWER_KIND gadgets. - Possibly new tag for FILE_KIND: GUFI_AslTags - Possibly new tag for DRAWER_KIND: GUDR_AslTags * Create a new built-in IMAGE_KIND gadget. This gadget will open the font requester, screenmode requester, or just send a IDCMP_GADGETUP. The name of if will probably be "SELECT_KIND". - Tag to send font requester tags: GUSE_FontTags - Tag to send scrmode requester tags: GUSE_ScrModeTags * Create something that allows easy creation of a lot of gadgets at the same time (e.g. 5 rows with 4 gadgets in each row, or 50 gadgets on 6 rows). When using this function, the passed in GadgetID will be used for the first gadget. For all later created gadgets this ID will be incremented by one. * Make GU_AdjustLeft, GU_AdjustRight and GU_AdjustBottom work with MX-kind gadgets. * Implement BOOPSI look for IMAGE_KIND gadgets with two images. * Fix that little annoying memory leak when changing the image of a IMAGE_KIND gadget. * Make it possible to change the "selected" image in a IMAGE_KIND gadget with two images.
Converted on 19 Jul 1996 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML by Michael Ranner.