----------------------- * ABOUT CUSTOMIZATION * ----------------------- Only map editing is possible in this demo version. Don't ask us if you have problems creating new maps. Map editing is unsupported! This text file is only preview of how customization is currently implemented. .txt file compile-utility will be released only with registered version (which will be released when it is ready...) Maps ---- Look for example map(s) included with GN demo version. Map files' format must be 256 color IFF or PCX. Map color numbers: 1 = arctic 2 = tundra 3 = forest 4 = jungle 5 = swamp 6 = grassland 7 = plains 8 = savannah 9 = desert 10 = shallow water 11 = deep water 16 = hills 17 = mountains 18 = irrigation 19 = river 20 = road 21 = railroad 22 = mine (irrigation, roads, railroads and mines are not usually used in maps) Copy your IFF or PCX map files to GN demo directory and rename them as .MAP then run GNPAK.EXE. GNPAK creates two new files, .gfx and .gnm, and asks for map name (this name is shown in GN world selector screen) NOTE: If .gnm exits already GNPAK uses old name and doesn't anymore ask for new name. Delete .gnm if you want to enter new map name. After conversion is complete GNPAK outputs some statistics about map, also *.MAP files are not anymore needed and they can be deleted. GN scans current directory for new maps and automatically shows them in world selector screen. Only server needs new map(s). Server sends new map information to clients automatically when needed. Terrains (terrain.txt) ---------------------- structure of terrain data: Type Food,Resource,Gold,Movement,Defence,AirDefence,Prob,Cost Connect,Height,Density,MapColor,Ignore CoordX,CoordY AddList RemList Type [N] 1=base land 2=water 3=extra (gems, gold, etc..) 10=overlay (mines, fields etc.., tiles you can build) 11=hills (used by random terrain generator) 12=mountains (also) 13=river (also) 20=town 21=small town tiles 22=village NOTE: all types >=10 are overlay tiles. Hills, mountains etc have different type number so that random terrain generator can create correct lands. Maximums (these may change!): Max base land + water = 16 Max extra tiles = 32 Max overlay tiles = 24 Order of calculation is: first land or water tiles, then overlays in order thay are defined in terrain.txt and last are extra tiles. There is no restriction in number of stacked tiles. Food amount of food [N%E] Resource amoint of resource [N%E] Gold amount of gold [N%E] Movement number of turns needed to enter this tile [N%E] Defense defense value for ground attacks, 0=no defense 100=full defense [N] AirDefense defense value for air attacks Prob probability of extra tiles 0-100 [N] Connect 0=no connection,1=connect like river,2=road/railroad, 3=mountain/hills [N] Height tile's ground level, -5...,-1=underwater,0=land/water, 1=hills,...,5 [N] Density transparency of one level above this tile's height, 100=transparent, 0=opaque [N] MapColor color in small map,-1=don't show [N] Ignore ignore all tiles' under this tile,0=don't ignore CoordX/Y coordinates for tile picture AddList tile(s) specified here can be above this tile even if remlist forbids it [L.TERRAINS] RemList tile(s) specified here can not be above this tile [L.TERRAINS] Inventions (tech.txt) --------------------- structure of invention data: Name Points AddList RemList Name name of invention [S] Points number of science points needed [N] AddList new inventions,buildings and units [L.INVENTION.BUILDING.UNIT] RemList obsolete buildings and units [L.BUILDING.UNIT] Special inventions which must be declared: "First invention" is invention that is alphabetically first, this invention is automatically invented when game starts. "Future Tech invention" is invention that is alphabetically second, after all normal inventions are invented comes future techs. Nations (nation.txt) -------------------- structure of nation data Nation,Leader CoordX,CoordY Towns Nation name of nation, max 24 characters [S] Leader name of leader, max 24 characters [S] CoordX/Y coordinates of unit/town background tile in tile picture [N] Towns list of town names [L] Works (work.txt) ---------------- structure of work data Label Name Sound Work-ID,Turns,Type,Kill,Radius AddList RemList Label label for this work [S] Name name of this work for select work menu [S] Sound sound effect to be played [S] Work-ID character which is shown above unit [C] Turns >0=number of turns needed, -999=active until stopped, <0=turns needed to start and complete this work [N] Type 0=normal,1=sentry,2=fortify,3=unload cargo,4=bomb [N] Kill Minimum range (NOTE: currently towns only) [N] AddList terrain(s) added after work is complete [L.TERRAIN] RemList terrain(s) removed after work is complete [L.TERRAIN] Buildings (building.txt) ------------------------ structure of building data Name BuildResource Food,Resource,Gold Luxury,Science,Pollution Corruption,Missile Jammer Defense,AirDefense,Experiece,Capital CoordX,CoordY AddList RemList Name name of building [S] BuildResource amount of resource needed to build [N] Food amount of food this building produces or uses [N%E] Resource amount of resource this building produces or uses [N%E] Gold,Luxury,Science,Pollution,Corruption (same as above) Missile Jammer probability of jamming incoming missiles [N%E] Defense probability of defending ground attacks [N%E] AirDefense probability of defending air attacks [N%E] Experience start experience of units build here [N%E] Capital causes town where this is build to become your capital, old capital's 'capital'-building will be sold automatically [N] CoordX,CoordY coordinates of building icon [N] AddList this/these buildings are removed and cannot be build after this building is build [L.BUILDING] RemList this/these units/buildings can be build if they are invented, after this building is build [L.BUILDING.UNIT] City population are also 'buildings'. Their buildres value specify their types: -10=free people (normally declared as entertainer) -11=angry people (this people don't do anything, it doesn't even pay taxes) -12=worker -13=other (tax collector,scientist etc.. anything you want) Types -10,-11 and -12 must be declared. How values are calculated ------------------------- Values inside [] mark which of five possible calculation methods are available. NOTE: Only E-method allows non-integer y-values. x is old value,y is value got from data structure N : x=x+y (normal value, 5 -5 100) % : x=x+x*y/100 (percentage, %10 %-90) E : x=x^y (exponent, ^1.01 ^2 ^-1.1) L : list of names, allowed structures are marked after full stop S : string (name or label) Terrain examples ---------------- example 1: We have land tile 'Plains', it's food and movement values are 1. 'River' is running throught it and it's food value is also 1, so this area's total food production is 2. Now we add 'RailRoad', it's movement value is %-90. Now this area's total movement value is 1+1*(-90)/100=0.1 example 2: Lets start with 'Mountain' (There is base land under mountain but because mountain's ignore is set it is ignored) Mountain's gold value is 0. Mountain have 'Gold'. It's gold value is 3. Now this area produces 3+0=3 gold. Now lets build 'Mine'. Mine's gold value is %200, so area's total gold produced/turn is 3+3*200/100=9 gold.