HTML output

This part of the output class uses the HTMLtext.mcc which allows a HTML output within MUI programs. DITO uses these features as follows.

The text is structured in

  1. Word with grammar information
  2. Translation
    It is structured like a list where an ';' in the original entry will be transformed in a new listitem. Categories in < and > will be highlighted as blink-text.


In FastDict you have the possibility to mark the contents of the HTML output and then to copy them into the clipboard or to insert them in the pattern strings. Therefore you have to press the right mousebutton over the HTML area and a contextmenu will appear.

  1. Copy block to clipboard
  2. Copy source to clipboard, that means the contents of the HTML output containing all tags.
  3. Find word. The block will be copied into the word pattern string. If the searchmode is AmigaDOS, the string will be prepared in a special way.
  4. Find translation. Like predecessor.

Edited by Dirk Holtwick (, 01-Dec-1997