MakeCGXBootPic A simple program to generate CyberGraphx v3 compatible boot picture libraries. Usage: MakeCGXBootPic where is a 640x480x256 non-interlaced GIF. MakeCGXBootPic will generate a boot picture library to RAM:cgxbootpic.library. If you are sure you want to use this picture, you must copy the file to SYS:Libs. Please note: If you get a warning that the image descriptor states there are less than 256 colors but the color map has 256 colors, this warning is caused by buggy software that writes incorrect GIF headers. MakeCGXBootPic will go ahead and make the picture library, but you MUST be sure there really are 256 colors. I have only seen this problem once from a GIF created on a Mac. In a future version, I hope to use Datatypes and let the Datatypes take care of any annoying details/bugs/crud like this. See for more information. Have fun! Jacob Ellis