This page was constructed with
WebLord_Demo 1.0
Copyright © 1997 Udo Schuermann
All rights reserved
This notice appears only in demo copies of WebLord!

Three versions of the same file

The plain version with white background
The table version on yellow background
Another (borderless) table version in white-on-black

And what is this supposed to demonstrate?

Yes, this is a terribly poor demo, but it demonstrates how one input file can be embedded in different "formats"; imagine that you have a site of dozens of pages using one of these formats (or one of your own devising), and later on you decide you want to apply a different format to all your pages. It would be as easy as changing the page value to a different pattern and re-processing the file!

Read the documentation. Study the 'Starter.wl' file. Once you become more familiar with WebLord, you should also study the two include files (global.wl and tools.wl) that ship with WebLord. These implement some fairly advanced stuff that you can use without much understanding. But understanding them will help you later dig ever deeper into WebLord's power!