Trapped II - Manual ------------------- Controlling the player: ----------------------- - Cursor Keys = move - 'Shift' = force sidestep - 'a' = jump - 'y' = duck - left 'Alt' = attack - 'Tab' = shoot - num '7' = look to roof - num '4' = restore view - num '1' = look to floor The weapons: ------------ - '1' to '6' = use Weapon 1-6 Each weapon has a different weight, so it will take different times for each to be ready again after an attack. Find out what is the best for you, being very fast or causing high damages. The potions: ------------ - 'p' = toggle potions - Enter = drink potion There are four potions, blue, red, green, yellow. Displayed are the amounts of each potion from 1 to 9, if you carry more than 9 a '-' is displayed. The blue potion is for health, it refreshes up to 25 points, the red potion is the armour potion, and gives you 15 armour points. The green one will increase your strength by one and the yellow bottles are giving you a speedup for 5 seconds. Other keys: ----------- - 'm' = toggle automapping - 'n' = toggle mip mapping - 'i' = toggle crosshair - '+' = bigger 3D-view - '-' = smaller 3D-view - Space = action (activating switches) The menus: ---------- - F1 = toggle screenmode You can choose 3 different screenmodes, which are 1x1, 2x1, 2x2 pixel. Using any GFX-Board you can only use 1x1 pixel modes. - F2 = Automap Here you can see the map of the actual level, well, of course only what you have painted. - F3 = Character overview Here are all important character value shows, the time and your skill level. Actual Health - your health points Maximum Health - your maximum health points Dexterity - aiming enemys Your Strength - your physical strength Weapon Strength - strength of the actual weapon (adding those 2 strength value is your attack value) Walking Speed - speed in normal mode Running Speed - speed in fast mode caused by yellow potion or a spell Your Delay - physical body delay to next attack Weapon Delay - delay caused by actual weapon (adding 2 delay value gives your total attack delay) Kondition - refresh time for health points magical Kondition- refresh time for mana points - F4 = show scrolls All scrolls you found at the actual level. - F5 = Quitmenu Quit - quit without saving Save and Continue - saves the game and continues Save and Quit - saves the game and quits Load last saved game - loads the last savegame Resume - continuing the game It is not possible to have more than one savegame, as in real life it wouldn't be possible to say: 'hey, i died, let me load again, ok' But there shouldn't be any place where you come to a 'dead end'. - F6 = Items Here you will find all the items you have collected, use the cursor keys to move on the item you want to select for the next action and press return. Then the item will be used for any action you do. - F7 = Spellsmenu This screen is divided into two parts, on the left you have the spell book. press 'b' to toggle the two pages of spells. On the right you have the spell selection menu, use cursor keys to move and press space on one of the symbols to move it to the bottom. The bottom displays your actual spell. If the spell is done, press return to cast it. If you have moved a wrong symbol to the bottom you have the possibility to move it back by pressing right 'Alt', then the cursor moves there. - F8 = Options Screen Mode = the same like using the key 'F1' Screen Size = this sets one of the 5 screen sizes for each screen mode Sound Effects = filter on/off, no sfx, playing module Bouncing Movement = banking of the player which can be on/off If you set this to off, you move like a 'hovercraft' Scroll Textures = on/off for texture scrolls like water 3D-2D Transformation = 320x256 is proportinal for the whole screen 320x192 is proprotinal on the 3D-view window Mapping Quality = normal, texture filtering and blur mode can be choose to avoid the big texture pixels Texture Type = normal and mip mapping for the detail quality in long distance surfaces Mirrors and Anims = texture animation and mirrors can be on or off Lens Flares = this toggle the lens flares on and off Sound Volume = from 10 to 100 percent Brightness = from 50 to 150 percent - F9 = Spellbook Here you will find your book of spells, all the spells you found are shown by its symbols. Health = refreshes some health points Refresh Mana = refreshes some mana points Speed = will give you speed-mode for some seconds Haste = lets the time go half speed Kompass = generates a magic kompass Magic Map = generates a magic map for a limited time Fireball Resistance = you won't be hit by fireballs for some seconds Hold Monster = this paralyses the monsters, but they are still able to attack, some are resistent Invulnerable = decreases every monster attack to 1 hit point for a limited time Monster Fear = monsters are running away, some are resistent Drone = generates a magic drone, which will give you an overview of the dungeon behind you use 'l' to lock the drone at a fixed position Static Light = starts a static lightsource at your actual position Healing = full refresh of your health points Trap Protection = will protect you from arrows and spears Levitation = you will run about 1 feet above the floors, protection on lava and acid Astral Projection = you can leave your body, monsters are walking towards that projection, some are resistent and some monsters can cast this spell too Magic View = will generate a full map of the actual dungeon Restore = refreshes health and mana points to maximum Fireball Ice Storm Cloud Quake Fire Column Ice Cross Death Strike These six spells are the active spells. You can cast this spell to give your actual weapon magical loads, e.g. you have the dagger as active weapon you can set the 'Cloud Quake' on the weapon, then everytime pressing 'Tab' the active spell will come. - F10 = Statistics In here you will find a lot of more or less interesing statistics about your gameplay. General information: -------------------- The game is based on the experience point system, this means you will get points for every action you do. When you have got enough points you will gain an experience level and your character values are getting a little better. You mana- and health points will increase, you can run a little faster, and you are able to attack better. So it would be useful to have a look at every room in each dungeon to get all the points which are possible, so that you player has a maximum of points, this will make the game a little easier at the end. You will face lots of different traps and be prepared to come into new situations every time. The amount of spells and the possiblities caused by the spells will let you find a solution in every situation, just think carefully and you will be the winner against all those dark creatures. Problems: --------- If you have problems with the game, contact the programmer at: