93/06/22 SmartPlay v3.1 Distribution Info: ================================= The following libraries are included in the SmartPlay v3.1 archive: SPLAY31/LIBS/ powerpacker.library - Version 35.347 reqtools.library - Version 38.1020 xpkmaster.library - Version 2.4 SmartPlay v3.1 and the SmartPlay/SPlay_xxxx.libraries are all FREEWARE, and may unmodified be freely distributed in this archive. No LZ or LhA command was included, as most LhA programs are copyrighted. There is no "status" on the xpkmaster.library, so I guess it's OK to distribute it along with SmartPlay. However, the ReqTools and PowerPacker libraries used by SmartPlay, and included in this package are COPYRIGHT (c) by Nico Francois, and "may be freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs". The preferences program for reqtools included in this archive along with the reqtools.library is also (C) Copyrighted by Nico Francois. - Xtreme Intelligence 1993