Tutorial 2: Main Editor Window
Multiselection & Dragsorting Load the project named Project.Tutorial_2. You should see 3 windows, named Window 1 through 3, all initially closed. The list editors in BarNone support both multi-selection, and drag sorting. You can perform multi-selection by clicking an entry with the mouse and dragging up and down. You can perform dragsorting by dragging right and left.

Try selecting all three of the windows by drag selecting (or shift-clicking), and clicking the Open button. All of the windows you selected will open. Now close them again with the Close button.

Lastly, try re-ordering the entries by clicking on Window 1, dragging it left or right, and dropping it back down onto the list after Window 3. The order should now by 2, 3, 1. You can sort them again with the Sort button. Drag-sorting more than one object at a time is possible by first multi-selecting, and then drag-sorting.

Cloning & Deleting Click on the window named Window 3. Open it with the Open button. Then click the Clone button. You should see an identical copy of the window object appear in the list, and a new window will open (although, since it is just like the object you cloned, it has the same size and position, and will open on top of the other window). Drag this new window a short distance away from the old one. Then close both windows, and open them both again. You can see that the window remembers its last position when it is closed. We will change this later. For now, select one of the windows, and delete it using the Delete button. The window will be closed and then deleted.
Editing Every object in BarNone can be edited to change various attributes of that object. Select one of the windows from the list, and open it. Note: editing a window is not the same as editing its contents. We are going to edit the window here. Changing the contents will be covered in a later tutorial. Double click on the list entry for the window you just opened, or click on the Edit... button. Both will bring up an editor for the window. Note that the window closes when you edit it. You can edit the contents of an open window, but you cannot edit the window itself while it is open.

You should see a new Edit Object window appear. To determine what kind of object you are editing (in this case, a window), you can look at the window title in the top of the editor window. You should also see some click tabs that let you edit various aspects of this window object. Browse around, and then come back to the Options tab. We will make this window borderless, and change its size. Click on the Borderless check gadget. Then, move to the Window Attrs tab and change the size to a width of 200 and a height of 100. Click on Accept to accept the changes. Then open the window, and you should now see that it is borderless, and uses the size you gave it. You can close it via the main editor, but you can also close any window in BarNone by pressing the escape key while the window is active.

Other Global Objects You have probably noticed other global objects available from the main editor window. Editing these is similar, but we will cover them later in a tutorial on more advanced topics.