Meter Scale Information
Meter Scale Meter objects can potentially display more than one data item. For example, a memory meter might display free fast and chip memory.

Since the data items displayed by the meters might have radically different values, (one might have 32 Mb of fast memory, and only 2 Mb of chip memory), scale values are used to adjust the full scale value of each data item.

With the example above, if the scale value for fast memory is set to 32 Mb, and the scale value for chip memory is set to 2 Mb, then a data value of 32 Mb for fast memory will be displayed at the very top of the meter, and the same for 2 Mb of chip memory. Thus; the full scale value for each will be displayed at the top of the meter.

Multiple Rules Sometimes, the maximum value for a particular data item cannot be predicted. For example, the CPU load average might typically be between 0 and 1 (a load average of 1 = 100 in the LoadMeter class). But it might also increase beyond that at times.

If the actual load increases beyond the scalue value, then the meter will redraw itself with more bar scale lines, and redraw the newly scaled data. Conversely, when the last data over the maximum value scrolls off the meter, it will redraw itself with fewer scale lines.

Here is an example:

Here the meter's maximum value is between 200 and 300. The CPU Load scale value is 100, so there are 2 scale lines.
Here the meter's maximum value is decreasing, but is still a little over 200.
Here the meter's maximum value has decreased to under 200...
And here, to under 100.