Version 1.3 Version 1.3 adds some new classes and other features, particularly in the area of workbench drag & drop.

Change Suggested By
Fixed a potentially fatal problem with the Commodities functions that could cause a crash upon exit or in a few other situations. Apparently, not many people ran into this, but if you did, 1.3 has the fix. Richard Koerber
Inernal fix: don't call AreaElipse with a radius of 0.
Add Pop Front and Pop Back attributes to Window class. Steve Koren
Added file type classifications based on file name or contents. Currently used only by the new DropCmd class. This allows for powerful ways to make drop boxes perform different actions for different file types.

There are several example types included in the Objects/FileTypes directory. These can be loaded by using the Insert... button.

Installer script no longer asks about creating a WBStartup icon if there's one there already. Handy for updates.
Fixed the Revert button in iterator class edit windows. Previously it could cause crashes.
Check boxes now reset their state properly when the Revert button is used.
Add NoEdge attribute to Window class. This removes the thin border present on borderless windows. Note that the window menu will not be accessible if this flag is set! Per Dahlberg

Version 1.2 Version 1.2 adds some new classes and other features, and also includes a number of important bug fixes.

Change Suggested By
Add Icon class. A datatype for workbench icons is no longer needed. Icons with a separate selected state are now supported. Steve Koren
Fix variable names in the Project.Tutorial_5 project. It no longer displays an error message for an undefined variable.
The main editor window now has a Popkey attribute to display it if hidden.
Objects which perform actions now have hotkey attributes. For example, Window objects, Screenswitch objects, SysCmd objects, etc. These accept standard Commodities hotkey specifications.
Workbench icons can now be dropped on file string gadgets to insert the filename for the icon.
BarNone now writes project icons if the Save Project Icons setting is turned on. Project icons can be dropped into the main editor window to load that project.
Boolean classes now export several variables: BFFile for boolean file class, BTTask for boolean task class, BSDevice, BSOnlineTime, and BSBaud for boolean serial class.
Fixed bug causing enforcer hits (and other problems!) with UI controls in object edit windows.
Fixed background bug with checkmark objects in edit windows.
Window class now has a FrontScreen option. If selected, the window will move to the frontmost screen, if that screen is a public screen. This can be used instead of having a copy of the window open on multiple screens.
Added exclusion patterns to iterator classes. Per Dahlberg
A Boolser class monitors the carrier status of a given serial device.
Remove inner frames from object edit windows. Stefan Stuntz

Version 1.1 Version 1.1 is primarily a bug fix release to fix some problems that weren't found in initial testing.

Change Suggested By
Fix a critical error in FreePooled() block size. This error is the primary reason for release 1.1. It is not likely to cause a system crash, but it could. Troels Walsted Hansen
Add a new attribute to meter classes, which controls the maximum scale value displayed by the meter. Steve Koren
Add To Front/To Back items in window menus.
Change installer script to flush libraries during updates.
Fix screenview crash if region X or Y size was 0.
Fix program crash if a drag-drop into an object box deleted the source object used for the drag-drop.
Remove some redundent frames from object edit windows, and move the class label to the window title. Stefan Stuntz

Version 1.0 First public release.