Frequently Asked Questions
How do I prevent the main editor window from appearing when the program is started? Try using CX_POPUP=no. See the Command Line Options section for more information.
Why don't icon tooltypes seem to work? You are probably setting them in the project icon in WBStartup. Instead, they must be set in the tool icon wherever you have installed BarNone itself.
Why doesn't BarNone come with a large number of bitmap icons? Aminet A. Many such excellent collections are available on Aminet as freeware or shareware. We would prefer to spend our time creating new software for your use than duplicating others' efforts at bitmap collections. Lastly, we at ShadowWorks Software are better programmers than artists :-).
Why is the Screenview class slow on my system? Screenview is doing quite a lot of work behind the scenes. On a system with a slow CPU, or without a graphics card, it can take quite a while to generate the thumbnail view. A large part of this work is involved in palette-remapping (which is why Screenview is faster when displayed on truecolor 16 or 24 bit screens). You can make Screenview faster (at the expense of image quality) by decreasing the antialiasing fact to 1. Also, on systems without graphics cards, reading pixel from a screen is a slow operation.