Known Bugs
Potentially Fatal Bugs While we have attempted to provide the highest quality software we can, there are always bugs in any complex application, and it is best if you know about them rather than stumble on them yourself. This is the exhaustive list of known bugs in BarNone. We will be addressing them as soon as possible, particularly the fatal errors.

Please report new bugs to us: see Contact for more information.

Object Class Description Workaround
Screenview If the X or Y limited region size is 0 (i.e, the max and min positions are the same), Screenview will crash. Fixed in release 1.1.
All If a drag&drop action with the target of an object box would delete the object that is the source of the drag&drop action, enforcer hits and occasional crashes will result. This chiefly happens if an object is dragged into the box from a window that is editing the object in the box or its children objects Fixed in release 1.1.
All On rare occasion, typing into a string gadget produces enforcer hits. This is rare and difficult to reproduce so it has not been found yet. Fixed in release 1.2.

Display Glitches & Other Non-Fatal Bugs These bugs are non-fatal and are chiefly harmless display glitches of various types.

Object Class Description Status
All Checkbox gadgets in object editors are not re-updated after a Revert operation. Fixed in release 1.3.
All Object backgrounds are occasionally "lost" if the application is iconfied and then redisplayed. There is a workaround: close and re-open the displayed windows from the main editor. This will fix the background. The cause is unknown but appears to be a MUI defect.
Clock Very small clocks will sometimes fail to display the minute pips. A defect in the clock class.
Clock On screens with a non-square pixel aspect ratio, the clock will be squished. A defect in the clock class.
All meter classes After a meter is uncovered by another window or otherwise forced to redraw, there is a small gap in the displayed data. A defect in the meter class.
All iterator classes If the iterator generates too many objects to fit in a window on the current screen, the window silently fails to open. This can be easy to do with large iterators. Iterator failing to check error condition.
Layout If an object with children is edited from the Listtree in a Layout object, and Accept or Test is used from that sub-object's editor window, the Listtree display will be corrupted. This is a display glitch only; accepting and redisplaying the Layout object's editor window will fix it. Unknown.
Screenview On non-graphics card screens (AGA or ECS), Screenview objects do not always refresh properly when uncovered after another window obscures them. Unknown.