In "includes" you will find the assembler ".i" and C ".h" files needed to read the new serial.prefs! In "modules" you will find the AmigaE ".m" file needed to read the new serial.prefs the src ".e" to the E module is also included! For info on the new serial.prefs, look in the .h, .i or .e files where several comments try to inform you! There is also a long list of common baudrates, plus other info at the end of the files! Please note that there are several #define's in the include files. Try to use them instead of using your own serial filenames etc. The program SerPrefs (from v2.2) use the define DEFSERPREFICON as the default name to find it's prefs icon. So SerPrefs v2.2+ will use the icon "ENV:Sys/" if found, (note that the DEFSERPREFICON define do not need the ".info") it is done this way since GetDiskObject() will append ".info" for you. A note to those who like special prefs icons. If you want to have one for serial prefs, then use the filename "" instead of "" SerPrefs v2.2+ will use such a serialprefs icon if found, but if it fails DEFSERPREFICON ("") will be used instead. If none of the 2 icons above is found, "" (WBPROJECT) will be used. If this icon is not found GetDefDiskObject() will use the internal project icon (ROM). Also note that the SerPrefs program use the icon tooltype "NOICONS" When it is used SerPrefs will start with the "Save Icons" menu item unchecked. I advise you to do the same since it is VERY annoying to have to uncheck that item each time the program is started. (The same tooltypes also exists as CLI options) PUBLIC REQUEST! SerPrefs v3.0 and serial.prefs v43.1 (serial prefs type 2) is under planning. But I want YOU to help me create a much better serial.prefs, what do YOU want in a global serial prefs file? Let me know and I'll put all suggestions together, and attempt to make a prefs file much better than the current one. Roger Hågensen Msi Software - 5th July 1997