We had expected it would take os no more than 3 weeks... ...but somehow we managed to spend 3 monts on this project! ___________________.:::::::.______________ \######______"\_____ \ ::::""____/######/ \/ ./ ./ / ./"""/ ./ :::: /""""\ ___/ / // // / // / //::::::/X\@!./ ./---. / // // / // ___/:::::::-uAa-/ //DK! : \__/\__/\/__/\__/ :::: ::::____/__/-----' ImPACT DK proudly presents in April 1997: Our last Amiga release, the remix of our TP6 40kb intro! ---=== Pure Complexity Remix ===--- Requires 030/50Mhz and 4mb fastmem. Now works perfectly on both 040 and 060, and does NOT require an FPU! NB: Feel free to pack the intro with any packer you like.