* * * D E M O L I M I T A T I O N S * * * ------------------------------------------- This is a DEMO version of PCx. Please note the following limitations with this version: No MMU support No hard drive partition support No Turbo Modes No CPU Transcription No CD-ROM support No ASPI SCSI support No more than 4 megs of memory can be selected No more than 16 megs of hardfile space can be used No saving of configuration file Because there is no MMU support (80x86 MMU emulation) in the DEMO version, you will NOT be able to run Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode (you must type WIN /S to start it). You will not be able to use Windows 3.11 if it is labled 'Windows for Workgroups'. Other programs that will not work without MMU support are: Windows 95, OS/2, QEMM, EMM386, etc. If your Amiga does not have an FPU, then you MUST use the 'PCsx' version. If the emulation crashes or does not start, try using this version as you could have a faulty FPU. PCx uses *every* FPU command that is available.