--- NEW --- Standalone protocol support, cleaned GUI a bit and added various cryptic string codes. Documentation is still half-done and could use major rewriting. --- INSTALL --- Click Install.Me icon (You MUST have C= installer somewhere!) NOTE: If you have used 1.0-1.49 then check profile settings. Review size setting should be also changed as its meaning is changed, of course old will work but is almost guaranteed to fill your memory as old defined how much memory to use and new one defines maximum lines. BTW, after installing there is Utility directory which contains small programs. :) --- YOU NEED --- DreamTerm requires at least KS3.0/MUI3.3/68000 --- WARNING --- If you start DreamTerm from elsewhere than its directory you must move catalogs directory to 'locale:' assign. Otherwise catalog files aren't found and DreamTerm will not start. And note that default config files will have config for xem/xpr libraries which are not included, same goes also for character sets!