TRAPPED ------- Full Version is out now! The Full Version of Trapped is finished. Look at some final Screenshots included to this archive. Also you can find some Screenshots of the upcoming CD-Version, which will be available in 2-3 weeks. For those who don't TRAPPED: It is an 3D role playing game with all the traditional Features, like texture dungeons with 360 degree free rotating, stairs, several Monsters, traps, weapons, spells, etc. Also some special effects are included like dynamic gouraud lightsourcing, lens flares, dynamic vector objects, texture fraction, etc. Just get the latest preview from your local Aminet mirror. How to order TRAPPED: Send a fax or your letter to: New Generation Software Haarmeierskamp 6 49586 Neuenkirchen Germany Fax: 0(+49)54 65/ 12 63 or ask your local dealer for TRAPPED For any information about TRAPPED ask me (the programmer) under: Michael Piepgras Bremsbergallee 4 24960 Gluecksburg Germany Email: All rights reserved (C) Oxyron Software 1996 Licensed to (C) New Generation Software 1996