(* This is a definition module for Trails Menus. Procedures to connect and disconnect menu with a window are exported. Created: 5/22/86 by Richard Bielak Modified: Copyright (c) 1986 by Richard Bielak. This is a Public Domain piece of code, please don't try to sell it! Also, please leave my name in. Thanks.....Richie. Turned into TilesMenu by Todd M. Lewis in 1988. Thanks alot, Richie! *) DEFINITION MODULE TilesMenu; FROM Intuition IMPORT WindowPtr; (* ******** IMPORTANT ************* The types below reflect the structure of menu. If new items, or new menus are added, make sure that these types are updated. *) TYPE TilesMenuType = (Actions, Symetry, Size, SquareSize); ActionItemType = (NewBoard, UnHideTitle, AboutTiles, ClearTiles, QuitTiles); SymetryItemType = (OneFold, TwoFold, FourFold); SizeItemType = (Size16, Size32, Size64, Size128, Infinite); SquareSizeItemType = (Size2by2, Size4by4, Size8by8, Size16by16, Size32by32); (* Connect a menu strip to a window *) PROCEDURE ConnectMenu (wp : WindowPtr); (* Disconnect a menu strip from a window *) PROCEDURE DisconnectMenu (wp : WindowPtr); END TilesMenu.