Hello, %1. I'm going to be in the big leagues when I grow up! \PAUSE:1\What?!?!? You never heard of baesball?!?!? Well, I'll explain it to you... \PAUSE:2\ Baseball is where 18 players. 9 players on each team play each other. There are 9 positions-a pitcher...me; \PAUSE:2\ A catcher, who the pitcher throws the ball to; A first baseman, second baseman, a shortstop (Cal Ripken Jr.), a thrid baseman--we play on the dirt. \PAUSE:2\ Then we have three other players in the field--one in leftfield, centerfield, and one in rightfield. We use a small round ball with red stitches. \PAUSE:2\ You try and hit the ball with a wooden or metal bat. The players in the field try and catch the ball if the batter hits it. But at the same time I, the pitcher, try and strike you out. \PAUSE:3\ A strike is where you miss the ball. The batter can do different things like single, double, triple, and a homerun. \PAUSE:3\ A single is where the run makes it to first, A double is where the batter makes it to secondbase, a triple is where a batter makes it to thrid, and homerun is where the batter makes it around all the bases because the ball went over the fence. \PAUSE:3\ After a batter is on base he can steal the bases. The team with the most runs WINS!!!! \PAUSE:3\ Pant...\PAUSE:1\ Pant... \PAUSE:2\ There, that's the game of baseball. OK?