" *******************************************************************" " * !!! WARNING !!! *" " * *" " * I write this as a friend concerned only for your safety. *" " * There has been a rash of unexplained cases of severe dandruff *" " * spreading rapantly across the countryside. The afflicted *" " * scratch thimselves bald, eventually going mad and wandering *" " * around aimlessly muttering the unknown word 'Denorex'. It is *" " * not known for sure the cause of this terrible malady. *" " * However, it is rumored to be caused by playing shareware *" " * computer games and not registering them. Probably the body's *" " * reaction to a major league guilt complex. Just thought you *" " * might want to know. *" " * *" " * Signed, *" " * An Anonymous Programmer *" " * *" " *******************************************************************" " press any key to continue"