" You have become lost in Harper's Woods on the way back" " from a rock-hunting expedition. You set your gun down," " (there are a lot of poisonous snakes in these woods), and" " take a good look around. No doubt about it, you are" " most definently lost. It is beginning to get dark, so" " you decide to wait until the light of day before trying" " to find your way out. You prop up against a tree and wait" " for morning to come. Suddenly, a huge old two-story mansion" " magically appears before you. You had heard old rumors" " that a mansion such as this would appear in these woods on the" " same night every year, only to dissappear before dawn," " following screams of terror from within and a raging fire that" " engulfs the mansion in flames. Supposedly, a mansion did once" " stand in these very woods many years ago. On one fatefull" " night, the mansion was destroyed in a blazing fire." " Dr. Benjamin Kingsley, his daughter Alexandria, and their" " maid Rosa all perished in the fire. It is speculated" " by some that Dr. Kingsley went insane, murdered Alexandria" " and Rosa, then upon realizing what he had done, in a" " state of guilt-ridden madness, set the fire himself. No" " one knows for sure the exact events of that horrible night." " < < < PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE > > >"