--------------------------------------- HINTS FOR CUSTOM MAPS IN WLFMP1.ZIP --------------------------------------- ** Game I. Castle Mavstein ** Level 1: The blue key is behind a Nazi flag secret door. Use the blue key to get to the chain gun. You then need to kill Boss "Arnold" to get the gold key. Or maybe not... Use the gold key to access the elevator. Level 2: The wood walled rooms lead in a large circle so you can proceed either right or left after exiting the elevator to get to the blue key. Use the blue key to get to the gold key. The gold key leads to the steel walled maze which hides the elevator. Level 3: Find the three secret doors near the elevator. One leads to the chain gun, one leads to the blue key, and the third leads to the rest of the maze. Use the blue key to get to the gold key. Use the gold key to escape. Beware of the three Bosses on this level (Ghost Hitler, Bertha, and Arnold.) You could run away, but then you'd just be a chicken. They CAN be stopped... Secret Level: There is a trick to this one. IMMEDIATELY after exiting the elevator, STOP and WAIT for the door to close. Then the zombies will not be aware of your presence and you can shoot them one by one (their return fire shouldn't even harm you.) If you go charging right in before the elevator door closes, be prepared for a blood bath... ** Game II. Castle Blitzstein, Episode 1 - Breaking In ** Level 1: No trick to it, unless you want to raid the treasure vault and get to the secret level. One way to get to the blue key is to shoot the first guard who comes walking out of the locked door (run there before he gets out.) Shoot him or another guard so that the doorway is blocked open. Lure Boss "Arnold" out and circle back around (use a secret door...) so you can get the chain gun out of the treasure vault and blast "Arnold." Level 2: No hints. Level 3: There is ONLY one elevator on this level, you leave on the same one as you came in on. Levels 4 & 5: No hints. Level 6: To get through the locked doors you must run through while they are open or shoot a guard standing in the doorway to block the door open. Level 7: To get to the treasure vault, you must first get through the locked doors as described in the previous hint. Level 8: No hints. Boss Level: Find the gold key to get into the cells. Find the cell with a secret door. The prisoner to be rescued is behind this secret door. Secret Level: There is a blue key to get through the locked doors. Follow the lights on the ceiling to get from door to door (after you have the key) and you will be lead to a vault of ammunition and first aid. Beware of mutants! ** Game III. Castle Blitzstein, Episode 2 - Escape ** Levels 1 & 2: No hints. Levels 3 & 4: See hints for levels 6 and 7 of Game II. Level 5 & 6: No hints. Level 7: The elevator you arrive in is ALSO the elevator to the next level. The other elevator on this level leads to the secret level. Level 8: No hints. Boss Level: Kill Boss "Bertha" to get the gold key so you can get to the blue key. Use the blue key to escape the castle. Secret Level: See hints for secret level of Game II. ** Game IV. Ochsenkopf Prison, work in progress ** Level 1: Use a secret door (follow the barking) to get to the blue key. Use the blue key to get the gold key. Use the gold key to get to the elevator. ------------------------------------------------------------- ** Custom levels created by The Maverick [70671,1524] ** -------------------------------------------------------------