DIABETES.CDK This is a Calamus document form for folks that have to test their blood glucose levels several times a day and give themselves insulin injections daily. It allows one to track blood glucose levels, ketone tests, and insulin doses for an entire month on one page. It has 31 rows for the days of the month (numbered) and has columns for insulin type, four test times: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime - with sub-columns for insulin dosage (both R and N) and blood glucose levels for each time. It also has columns for ketone test results and notes. My twelve year old daughter, Sara, was recently diagnosed with juvenile diabetes and now has to test her blood glucose four times a day and inject insulin twice a day. I designed this form so that she could keep track of these necessities and chart them out so that an entire month's pattern could be seen at a time. I hope somebody else can also benefit from this form. We certainly have. The form was derived from a sample diabetes record published in the booklet "Managing Your Diabetes" by the Eli Lilly Company, copyright 1986. The font used is ARC 75 from the Calamus Font Editor package. Any plain sans-serif font will do. Bruce Hansford Kettering, Ohio =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Are you an ST user and tired of paying ridiculous prices for your commercial software? Or have you tried mail-order operations only to be short-changed or just plain ripped off? Then you haven't tried 1st STOP! 1st STOP Computer Systems Ltd is your national Atari Software Store open from 9am to 9pm EST Monday thru Friday and 10am to 6pm on Saturdays (and 12 noon to 4pm on Sundays until Christmas). For more info, check out STart, ST Informer, or Current Notes magazines for our ads. Or send in a self-addressed stamped envelope for a complete catalog. Or, better yet, you can view the catalog on-line and even order on-line by calling the new 1st STOP BBS order system. Check it out! 1st STOP Computer Systems Ltd 7085 Corporate Way Dayton, OH 45459 Toll-free Order line: 800-252-2787 (all 50 states) BBS order line: 513-438-0892 Information line: 513-438-0551