NULLFILL will allow programs to execute much more quickly than usual on STs with the original ROMs (any machines with roms that don't have the so called MEGA-ROMS). This is because when programs are started up, the OS cleans out all free memory (fills it with nulls). The way in which it does so may go down in history as the slowest machine code ever written. This program makes the OS skip the nullfiling altogether except for a few strategic spots where it does it itself more quickly than the OS. I have used this program for a couple of months and have found it refreshing to press a button from a shell and have an editor pop up instantly (from ramdisk) instead of having a 1 or 2 (or more) second wait. A few programs have problems with NULLFILL though because they do not follow decent programing practice. Since I do not think doing things legally is a terminally fatal programing sin (what fun would programing be otherwise), I have made a few additions to the original code to allow NULLFILL to be disabled. I also added an indicator to let the user know NULLFILL is active. Both of these routines were (of course) written using nasty hacks to lovely undocumented variables in memory and so require the old roms for the program (and the computer) to work properly. NULLFILL can be disabled by holding Shift, Control, Alternate, or having the Caps locked keys held down while the program is loaded. If the Caps lock key is set to capitals, NULLFILL will be disabled as long as the Caps lock is, well, locked. Very few programs have trouble with NULLFILL. One is the GFABASIC interpreter (sometimes). There are more, so if a program acts up when you first run it, disable NULLFILL when executing it the next time. When NULLFILL is active, a bar will flash on the top part of the screen (where the menus drop from) when the program is loaded. The flash is brief. You need to look for it. When NULLFILL is disabled the bar will not flash. To use NULLFILL, put it in your AUTO folder (booting up is much faster if it is the first program to execute) or execute if from the desktop. The speed increase can best be seen with alot of memory free (1040 ST witout a ramdisk for example) and with a hard disk or ramdisk. This program was originally written by Leo de Wit in June of 88 and posted to the INFO-A16 news group on BITNET. Lovely cutesy modifications by me: John Zafiris 9/17/88 Enjoy...until the new ROMS come along and make this program obsolete