June 14, 1989 The original NULLFILL.PRG has a feature that would flash the top of the screen on and off very quickly. The programs author thought that no one would notice the flash: I noticed and became so annoyed that I went and found the NOT.L (A0)+ instructions and NOP'ed them.The file NULLFLLM.PRG is the exact same file as NULLFILL.PRG with two changes: 1)The flash had been taken out. The program does the SAME thing as before only without telling you. 2)The title screen now says NULLFILL Speedter Modified instead of N_U_L_L_F_I_L_L. This is so you know that its not the original its been slightly changed. I did this because sometimes the top of the screen would STAY inverted. This happened whenever ArcShell ran ARC.TTP. The ARC.TTP worked fine only for some reason it stayed inverted. Jan Dembowski